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  1. #21
    Hero, Mo Bro H'ro, & MB Super-H'ro ComicRelief's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Musouka View Post
    It's my loot and I can do whatever I please with it. If I don't want it and don't want anyone else to have it, I leave it in the chest.
    No where, at any time, have I ever - EVER - stated, suggested, or implied that you loot is not your loot. Of course it is! You want it? Take it (it's yours). You want to sell it? Go for it (it's yours). You want to give it to a specific person in your party? Knock yourself out (it's yours). Want to put it up for a roll? OK (it's yours). Want to leave it in the chest to rot? Fine.

    Now that you've left it to rot and have left the quest, as far as you are concerned, it's gone - you coulnd't go back in and get it, even if you wanted to. So what do you care what happens after you leave?

    {BTW, that's a rhetorical question.}
    "...At least it tells us they understand our language; they're just not willing to speak to us in it. -Who knew they were French?"

  2. #22
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post

    This has come up many times before.

    I would like to see the loot get randomly redistributed as party members leave the group.
    That way people who stay in the quest can actually get an item that was mis-transferred or left in the chest.

    There have been several instances I have personally seen on epics where a item was transferred while someone was dropping group causing the item to be passed to the wrong person. Often to someone who has already left the instance. GM's are useless here as they will not port a person back to an instance or transfer loot.

    The random redistribution of loot means that whoever decides to stay til the end has an opportunity to get whatever loot is left behind in a chest. This would be less wasted time for GM's negatively responding to Tickets, or trying to have everyone stay in instance until all loot rolls are finished or any other annoying mis-passes.

    ~Dev's may strive to deny that lag exists. but we have all felt the lag monsters presence.~
    That's a good point Jot. While I don't see it solving the OP's "a mean man wouldn't let me have his loot" problem (they would just loot & destroy) we have all been in raids where misassigned loot or misunderstandings lead to lost raid loot. It's horribly frustrating. I tend to hang around in raids until the chest is plucked when I can because of that problem, but often you can't or people don't.

    I just wouldn't want it to be reassigned right away for DCs. For DCs give them at least 5 minutes to reconnect.

  3. #23
    Hero, Mo Bro H'ro, & MB Super-H'ro ComicRelief's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lorenpechtel View Post
    How about doing it slightly differently:

    The criteria would be:

    1) No longer in the quest.

    2) The quest is complete.

    3) They have already looted the chest in question and left the item.

    I believe this would solve the disconnect problem. I don't think left the party should be part of the criteria, I've seen groups go on to other quests even after a raid.
    Actually, this is what I basically said, just in a slightly different (and perhaps a little more confusing) manner.
    "...At least it tells us they understand our language; they're just not willing to speak to us in it. -Who knew they were French?"

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ungood View Post
    I think if they are out of the group and dungeon that should be enough for loot to to become "Open" it makes no sense that if someone left it in the chest that no one else should be able to loot it.

    So I like this idea.
    Sorry but what your seeming to lack understanding is each person gets their own unique chance at loot. All the other loot that appears under other peoples names for all intent and purposes doesnt even exist to other players. We each have an identical and equal chance at loot spawning.

    As another said If i want to leave loot in the chests for ANY reason, then it should stay in the chest not go to another by default.

    We have a great loot system already in place if anything we need to make other peoples loot hidden to all so loot drama will finally end.

  5. #25
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karavek View Post
    Sorry but what your seeming to lack understanding is each person gets their own unique chance at loot. All the other loot that appears under other peoples names for all intent and purposes doesnt even exist to other players.
    Sure it exists for everyone in the party that was there to open the chest, or else you would not be able to pass it to them. Just like you can't pass loot to someone who showed up after the chest was opened. If what you said was true, then your loot would be BTC upon chest open, and stuck that way, yours or rot.

    But that is not the system we have, we can share the loot in the chest, so if you leave it in the chest, it should go to whoever else was there, think of it as an Auto-Share feature.

  6. #26
    Hero Cardoor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    Add an "Unassign All" button next to the "Loot All" button.
    This is the only suggestion so far that does not seem unrealistically calculation heavy because it would make the calculations conditional (vs. every time someone leaves a quest). It doesn't address what happens once you click the "Unassign All" button however. Does it randomize the loot to players still in the quest?

    As imperfect as player interaction in-game is, it is still better than contributing to lag, so I still think players deciding to assign their own loot is our best system.

  7. #27
    Hero Musouka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karavek View Post
    As another said If i want to leave loot in the chests for ANY reason, then it should stay in the chest not go to another by default.

    We have a great loot system already in place if anything we need to make other peoples loot hidden to all so loot drama will finally end.
    Careful, I got a red point added to me for even bringing it up...
    Sarkiki - Orexis - Pallikaria - Epithymia - Musouka - Empnefsi | Cannith Server

  8. #28
    Community Member Sidewaysgts86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Musouka View Post
    Why does anyone have the right to force me to do something I don't want to do with my own loot? Remember the big and old saying, "your loot is your loot." I should have the right to do with it as I please. I don't have to put it up for roll, and I am allowed to just pass it to a friend. Therefor I should be allowed to just leave it to rot.

    This suggestion would just cause problems. What happens with the loot when someone leaves it, it rerolls to another person. What happens when this other person leaves it? It rerolls again, and so on and so on and so on, creating pointless calculations and lag because no one wants a stack of 20 +1 bolts.
    I might be getting stabbed for this, but I feel "your loot" is really only "your loot" if you actually "loot" what is "your loot" in the first place. Leaving it in the chest means its unclaimed. Unclaimed loot, isnt "your loot" in my eyes, it is what it is, unclaimed loot.

    I really cant see this "causing problems" (albeit with modification- as already suggested, Id much rather see it go unassigned or require a small, maybe even hidden, roll on the item, for any who express interest in this unclaimed loot) as you suggest- Unless youre purposely being a jerk, or spiteful to other players in the party. Mind you im not condoning or condemning this possibility, and without doing either I will readily admit I completely understand the idea of doing either. Lets face it, sometimes other players in your party are jerks, and I can understand not wanting them to have "your trash" because of it, even if it is useful/desired to them.

    Signed to this concept with mild tweaking. If you want to purposely be a jerk with your trash, thats your choice to do so- However, weighing the alternatives, Im A-OK 110% ok with "being a jerk" being more involved then "forgetting about it". If you want to trash it, then pick it up and trash it. Unclaimed loot, is unclaimed loot. Unless you want to make the argument that theres some magic wards on all chests in the game that disallow other players from picking up "your" unclaimed trash/loot.

  9. #29
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karavek View Post
    Sorry but what your seeming to lack understanding is each person gets their own unique chance at loot. All the other loot that appears under other peoples names for all intent and purposes doesnt even exist to other players. We each have an identical and equal chance at loot spawning.

    As another said If i want to leave loot in the chests for ANY reason, then it should stay in the chest not go to another by default.

    We have a great loot system already in place if anything we need to make other peoples loot hidden to all so loot drama will finally end.
    Is this why nobody invites you to parties?
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
    Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
    Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)

  10. #30
    Community Member Aliss7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    Add an "Unassign All" button next to the "Loot All" button.
    I'd rather have like an "X" next to each item that can be clicked that specifies I'm leaving it in the chest for anyone.

    More often than not, there is only 1 or 2 items I don't care about, so clicking those 1 or 2 then the loot all button would be the common case for me, rather than what I do know, having to double click all the items I want.

    An unassign all button would make the number of clicks I'd have to do go up.

  11. #31
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliss7 View Post
    I'd rather have like an "X" next to each item that can be clicked that specifies I'm leaving it in the chest for anyone.

    More often than not, there is only 1 or 2 items I don't care about, so clicking those 1 or 2 then the loot all button would be the common case for me, rather than what I do know, having to double click all the items I want.

    An unassign all button would make the number of clicks I'd have to do go up.
    Nobody would take the time to click little boxes.
    Most who leave stuff in chests are looking for specific items and are zerging off to the next adventure.
    Why don't stick around unless there is something they specifically need.
    They dont care about whats left in a chest or if something is accidently passed to them, they are already gone.

    I am a loot hoar, and even I wouldnt take the time to click on things I don't want.
    So unless someone asked or Lando was in the party( He gets all my left over loot like arrows, bolts, rocks...etc...) I am off to the next quest.

    Do I care after I have left a group who gets my leftovers... no.. let whoever sticks around hang out to get whatever is left in a chest.
    Last edited by JOTMON; 11-01-2012 at 11:41 AM.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
    Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
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  12. #32
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    Do I care after I have left a group who gets my leftovers... no.. let whoever sticks around hang out to get whatever is left in a chest.
    Bingo on this point.

    Really, if you did not loot it, you did not want it, end of discussion.

    If you want to be bitter and spit filled, then you should have to put in those *gasp* extra clicks to loot and destroy.

  13. #33
    Community Member Therrias's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Musouka View Post
    It's my loot and I can do whatever I please with it. If I don't want it and don't want anyone else to have it, I leave it in the chest.
    Find a more creative way to grief people.

  14. #34
    Community Member Aliss7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    Nobody would take the time to click little boxes.
    Uhhhh, nobody? I just said that's essentially what I do now, except in the loot sense (not abandon sense). I know it's hard to believe, but I actually double-click on only the items I want, leaving stuff like arrows or garbage or whatever behind.

    Mainly it's because I rarely have space in my inventory, so I'm careful what I pickup. So "clicky little abandon boxes" would save me time _in my case_ vs having an abandon all button. That's all. I'm not even opposed to an abandon all button anyway.

  15. #35
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aliss7 View Post
    I'd rather have like an "X" next to each item that can be clicked that specifies I'm leaving it in the chest for anyone.

    More often than not, there is only 1 or 2 items I don't care about, so clicking those 1 or 2 then the loot all button would be the common case for me, rather than what I do know, having to double click all the items I want.

    An unassign all button would make the number of clicks I'd have to do go up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aliss7 View Post
    Uhhhh, nobody? I just said that's essentially what I do now, except in the loot sense (not abandon sense). I know it's hard to believe, but I actually double-click on only the items I want, leaving stuff like arrows or garbage or whatever behind.

    Mainly it's because I rarely have space in my inventory, so I'm careful what I pickup. So "clicky little abandon boxes" would save me time _in my case_ vs having an abandon all button. That's all. I'm not even opposed to an abandon all button anyway.
    This is the point, people loot what they want and ignore the rest.
    So adding a "x" clickie to each item left in the box is pointless.

    Most will not waste time clicking on whatever is left like slaying arrows, scrolls, bolts, pretty rocks,... whatever.

    Some people may want all the left over gems, trash sellable items, or other items that others may not think are usefull.

    Randomly redistributing while you are looting would be annoying, Hence the redistribution of chest loot once you have dropped party.

    The random redistribution after I drop party leaves whatever is in the chest to whoever is left in the quest.

    Passed the shard to the wrong person and they have already left the quest.. no problem just go back to the chest and wait until everyone has left the party it will eventually drop down to you.

    Currently, pass to wrong person who has left quest and ... sorry.. you are screwed and cant get that eSOS shard you were supposed to get. Now it rots in the chest.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
    Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
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  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karavek View Post
    Sorry but what your seeming to lack understanding is each person gets their own unique chance at loot. All the other loot that appears under other peoples names for all intent and purposes doesnt even exist to other players. We each have an identical and equal chance at loot spawning.

    As another said If i want to leave loot in the chests for ANY reason, then it should stay in the chest not go to another by default.

    We have a great loot system already in place if anything we need to make other peoples loot hidden to all so loot drama will finally end.

    I don't agree with all of this. Especially the bit about not being able to see other people's loot.

    Being able to see other people's loot is a diagnostic of drop rates. It helps players detect accidental and deliberate nerfs to drop rates. I don't get upset when I see other people pull good stuff. I'm glad to see that it's there at all.

    Either you didn't think of this, or you have far more faith in the system than I do. As a victim of screwed-up loot drops in Abbot, hidden loot drops don't seem to me to be a good idea at all.

    As for ending loot drama, people will still boast about their drops in chat by linking it, try to sell it, etc, and other people will still get offended. Hidden drops are not the panacea you imagine them to be.

    Last edited by blerkington; 11-21-2012 at 09:14 PM.

  17. #37
    Community Member EnjoyTheJourney's Avatar
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    I'd favor nobody ever seeing the loot of other characters; you see your own character's loot and that's it.

    Other people's loot is none of our business, and publicizing "who got what" will create "loot envy", annoy those who see good gear left in a chest by somebody who can't be bothered to pick it up, and/or inspire those who feel "inappropriately entitled" to hassle others for stuff that others received while doing the same mission.

    /unsigned on the OP as well. If loot gets left behind, then it gets left behind.

  18. #38
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    I just speak from personal experience, that's why I talk in first person.

    Back when I had a working computer (that is to say, before my processor fried), I used to run The Reaver's Fate, short run with a few chest. I always made it a point to ask for junk before and after the quest. Am I crazy? Or just a Cannith Crafter whom actually *gasp* have a use for it? Thing is, I almost never got it, and I saw it sitting in the chest, taunting me... So yeah, you don't take arrows, bolts, and random trash. I get it, your inventory is so full of stuff that you don't have room for that junk. I do have room for it. And even if I just trash all of it, what difference does it makes to you? You weren't taking it anyway! Let's say that the 100 or so plats I get from bolts help me get a wand of cure X wounds from guild vendors (I have more than enough to get some, I know, but I try to save to buy a collectibles bag...).

    So I agree.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by blerkington View Post

    I don't agree with all of this. Especially the bit about not being able to see other people's loot.

    Being able to see other people's loot is a diagnostic of drop rates. It helps players detect accidental and deliberate nerfs to drop rates. I don't get upset when I see other people pull good stuff. I'm glad to see that it's there at all.

    Either you didn't think of this, or you have far more faith in the system than I do. As a victim of screwed-up loot drops in Abbot, hidden loot drops don't seem to me to be a good idea at all.

    As for ending loot drama, people will still boast about their drops in chat by linking it, try to sell it, etc, and other people will still get offended. Hidden drops are not the panacea you imagine them to be.

    Sorry but your very wrong. I ahve played MMO where there is no chests looting, where all drops go straight to a persons inventory and there is NEVER any thing even remotely resembling the insanity that is loot drama here in DDO.

    As always I could really care less if anyone else gets a thrill out of seeing my loot even if 99% do, the fact I suffer grief ever makes it something that needs to be changes. As your only argument is by trying to point out failings in the game on the part of devs. A poor argument because if we are only debating which flaws are worse we may as well be calling it a doom thread.

    When We beat a boss Id much rather a random peice of named boss loot just drop to my inventory no fuss no muss.

    Keep in mind I dont believe in any good reason for any kind of bound gear. I believe in free trade 100% on gear even after its been well used. Bound gear is just an artifical and failure of a mechanic to try and force further replay of already stale content.

    The simple fact is loot drama is bad, and there is a way to end it. That is all that matters. Any attempt to argue it just paints a big target on turbine and DDO that screams failed,flawed, trash.

  20. #40
    Community Member Cyiwin's Avatar
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    I'm also one of the few people who think auto-showing your loot to others should be your choice.
    What the OP is asking is a small change in the system. I'm having trouble coming up with why not.

    Maybe it makes me more powerful by contrast if my peers don't have this item. Maybe I want to demonstrate how uber I am by leaving a nice item I obviously didn't need. Maybe I just want them to look at it and suffer. None of these work for me so...


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