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  1. #1
    Hero, Mo Bro H'ro, & MB Super-H'ro ComicRelief's Avatar
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    Default Have 'Abandoned' Loot Re-assign Itself

    Whilst recently running in "The Shroud", I couldn't help but notice how much loot was left behind and abandoned by people who had already not only left the instance, but also left the party. One of the abandoned items was a "Shard of Power", which I needed, but didn't pull. The person it was assigned to was long gone and it just sat in that chest, mocking me - "Go ahead! Pick me up! Aww, that''s right - YOU CAN'T! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!" (I swear, it actually said that to me...)

    So I would like to suggest that a mechanic be put in place that would automatically re-assign abandoned loot.

    First, we would need to define "abandoned" as when the person it is assigned to leaves the party and/or leaves the quest after it is completed. Second, it would need to re-assign itself randomly (to keep things "fair") to someone who is still in the party AND the quest.

    And while it would be nice to have this type of mechanic in all quests, it would really, really be nice to at least have it in the raids.

    That way, we can all avoid having loot mock us. 'Cuz loot gets mean when it mocks.
    "...At least it tells us they understand our language; they're just not willing to speak to us in it. -Who knew they were French?"

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Those drop all the time. Wait 3 days, run again. Normally, I wouldn't say this, but it might cause problems if someone DCs, and chest loot is working now, so let's leave it alone and hope it keeps working.

  3. #3
    Hero Musouka's Avatar
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    It's my loot and I can do whatever I please with it. If I don't want it and don't want anyone else to have it, I leave it in the chest.
    Sarkiki - Orexis - Pallikaria - Epithymia - Musouka - Empnefsi | Cannith Server

  4. #4
    Community Member redspecter23's Avatar
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    I think if you were to propose this on an individual basis, it would have more support. Give players an option to have all their unlooted goodies randomly reassigned when they leave the quest. It could have a side effect of having players put fewer things up for roll and just let them be reassigned later so beware of that. Also because of how it might interact with disconnects, people may just choose not to turn the option on anyway.

    To paraphrase Merlin-ator, If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I'd prefer Turbine not to touch anything that's actually working right now for fear of more bugs before the last patch's bug fixes are fixed to actually fix what they were supposed to fix the first time.
    Last edited by redspecter23; 10-29-2012 at 04:21 PM.

  5. #5
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    Hehe, maybe have a Smash button that's enabled after 10 minutes of opening. Smashing the chest will break it up with everything inside dropping to the ground with a chance of being damaged beyond repair.

  6. #6
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    How about doing it slightly differently:

    The criteria would be:

    1) No longer in the quest.

    2) The quest is complete.

    3) They have already looted the chest in question and left the item.

    I believe this would solve the disconnect problem. I don't think left the party should be part of the criteria, I've seen groups go on to other quests even after a raid.

  7. #7
    Hero Musouka's Avatar
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    Ok... if they add this, then they also need to add a button that will destroy loot. That way I don't have to loot it, then drag it out of my inventory, if I don't want anyone to have it.
    Sarkiki - Orexis - Pallikaria - Epithymia - Musouka - Empnefsi | Cannith Server

  8. #8
    The Hatchery CaptainSpacePony's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faxe View Post
    Hehe, maybe have a Smash button that's enabled after 10 minutes of opening. Smashing the chest will break it up with everything inside dropping to the ground with a chance of being damaged beyond repair.
    This is the only way I can think of that would be at all feasable. While I think the OP's concern is a vaild one, I just don't see an elegant solution.

  9. #9
    Hero Cardoor's Avatar
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    They should code humans to say things like: "Hey all, I am looking for a shard of power. Let me know if you need a great or supreme and I will put them up for roll if I get them"

  10. #10
    The Hatchery Rawrargh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Musouka View Post
    Ok... if they add this, then they also need to add a button that will destroy loot. That way I don't have to loot it, then drag it out of my inventory, if I don't want anyone to have it.
    Just out of curiosity... Why would you deliberately make sure someone else doesn't get loot that dropped in your name? Assuming you don't need it yourself?

    Sorry to OP for derailing and most likely starting a flamewar, that wasn't the intention, just curious here.
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  11. #11
    Hero Musouka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rawrargh View Post
    Just out of curiosity... Why would you deliberately make sure someone else doesn't get loot that dropped in your name? Assuming you don't need it yourself?

    Sorry to OP for derailing and most likely starting a flamewar, that wasn't the intention, just curious here.
    Why does anyone have the right to force me to do something I don't want to do with my own loot? Remember the big and old saying, "your loot is your loot." I should have the right to do with it as I please. I don't have to put it up for roll, and I am allowed to just pass it to a friend. Therefor I should be allowed to just leave it to rot.

    This suggestion would just cause problems. What happens with the loot when someone leaves it, it rerolls to another person. What happens when this other person leaves it? It rerolls again, and so on and so on and so on, creating pointless calculations and lag because no one wants a stack of 20 +1 bolts.
    Last edited by Musouka; 10-29-2012 at 08:28 PM.
    Sarkiki - Orexis - Pallikaria - Epithymia - Musouka - Empnefsi | Cannith Server

  12. #12
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by ComicRelief View Post
    So I would like to suggest that a mechanic be put in place that would automatically re-assign abandoned loot.

    First, we would need to define "abandoned" as when the person it is assigned to leaves the party and/or leaves the quest after it is completed. Second, it would need to re-assign itself randomly (to keep things "fair") to someone who is still in the party AND the quest.
    No need to randomly pick a name, just make it unassigned, so anyone else can pick it up. The ability for loot to be unassigned already exists in the game.

  13. #13
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    I think if they are out of the group and dungeon that should be enough for loot to to become "Open" it makes no sense that if someone left it in the chest that no one else should be able to loot it.

    So I like this idea.

  14. #14
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    Add an "Unassign All" button next to the "Loot All" button.

  15. #15
    Community Member Niv-mizzet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lorenpechtel View Post
    How about doing it slightly differently:

    The criteria would be:

    1) No longer in the quest.

    2) The quest is complete.

    3) They have already looted the chest in question and left the item.

    I believe this would solve the disconnect problem. I don't think left the party should be part of the criteria, I've seen groups go on to other quests even after a raid.
    This please. Fund it.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cardoor View Post
    They should code humans to say things like: "Hey all, I am looking for a shard of power. Let me know if you need a great or supreme and I will put them up for roll if I get them"
    This - yes.

    OP - no

  17. #17
    Community Member grayham's Avatar
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    OP- I agree with your sentiment, but I just can't see a way for it to get sorted quickly or easily.

  18. #18
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    This has come up many times before.

    I would like to see the loot get randomly redistributed as party members leave the group.
    That way people who stay in the quest can actually get an item that was mis-transferred or left in the chest.

    There have been several instances I have personally seen on epics where a item was transferred while someone was dropping group causing the item to be passed to the wrong person. Often to someone who has already left the instance. GM's are useless here as they will not port a person back to an instance or transfer loot.

    The random redistribution of loot means that whoever decides to stay til the end has an opportunity to get whatever loot is left behind in a chest. This would be less wasted time for GM's negatively responding to Tickets, or trying to have everyone stay in instance until all loot rolls are finished or any other annoying mis-passes.

    ~Dev's may strive to deny that lag exists. but we have all felt the lag monsters presence.~
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  19. #19
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post

    This has come up many times before.

    I would like to see the loot get randomly redistributed as party members leave the group.
    That way people who stay in the quest can actually get an item that was mis-transferred or left in the chest.

    There have been several instances I have personally seen on epics where a item was transferred while someone was dropping group causing the item to be passed to the wrong person. Often to someone who has already left the instance. GM's are useless here as they will not port a person back to an instance or transfer loot.

    The random redistribution of loot means that whoever decides to stay til the end has an opportunity to get whatever loot is left behind in a chest. This would be less wasted time for GM's negatively responding to Tickets, or trying to have everyone stay in instance until all loot rolls are finished or any other annoying mis-passes.

    ~Dev's may strive to deny that lag exists. but we have all felt the lag monsters presence.~
    had this happen a few times, where an item was passed to someone who had already left the raid. and that is just a shame.

    If the player leaves it in the chest, they did not want it, it should be passed out again to the players that may want it. Sure some bitter spit filled people will now have to loot and destroy something to get their jollys off at others expense.

    But at least this mechanic would fix it if someone gives the loot to the wrong person and they already left the quest.

  20. #20
    Hero, Mo Bro H'ro, & MB Super-H'ro ComicRelief's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merlin-ator View Post
    Those drop all the time. Wait 3 days, run again. Normally, I wouldn't say this, but it might cause problems if someone DCs, and chest loot is working now, so let's leave it alone and hope it keeps working.
    I understand your concern over DC'ing, but DC'ing doesn't kick you out of the party, nor does it kick you out of the instance. Which is why I suggested the definition of "abandoned" - they leave the instance and/or party AFTER the quest is completed, meaning they couldn't get back in, even if they wanted to.

    As far as the item in question dropping all the time, not the point, but thanks! I will get one, eventually.
    "...At least it tells us they understand our language; they're just not willing to speak to us in it. -Who knew they were French?"

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