Whilst recently running in "The Shroud", I couldn't help but notice how much loot was left behind and abandoned by people who had already not only left the instance, but also left the party. One of the abandoned items was a "Shard of Power", which I needed, but didn't pull. The person it was assigned to was long gone and it just sat in that chest, mocking me - "Go ahead! Pick me up! Aww, that''s right - YOU CAN'T! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!" (I swear, it actually said that to me...)
So I would like to suggest that a mechanic be put in place that would automatically re-assign abandoned loot.
First, we would need to define "abandoned" as when the person it is assigned to leaves the party and/or leaves the quest after it is completed. Second, it would need to re-assign itself randomly (to keep things "fair") to someone who is still in the party AND the quest.
And while it would be nice to have this type of mechanic in all quests, it would really, really be nice to at least have it in the raids.
That way, we can all avoid having loot mock us. 'Cuz loot gets mean when it mocks.