Theorybuild - The Angel of Death
With the warm reception of Nature's Song & Dance, time to go really outside the box for the next theorybuild. Or is it back in the box? This one turns the multiclassing concept on its head... and has a Pure Build?! ***?
A recent thread on the forums caught my attention in discussing Paladins, right here, discussing whether there was any room in the game for a Pure Paladin and if there is any real reason why you *wouldn't* multi-class. Extra needed feats, bumped up reflex/will saves, Evasion, Haste Boost & UMD ... I can certainly think of plenty of reasons why might you *want* to multi-class a Paladin.
To me, multi-classing a Paladin is as natural as breathing. Almost. The expansion pack has changed all that though. Particularly Epic destinies.
So here's my current Work in Progress - 'The Angel of Death'. My first ever, Pure Build with Enhancement Capstone character
20 Paladin - Knight of the Chalice 3
Full BAB
7 Standard Feats - Full TWF, PA, IC: Slash, Toughness and Ex: Khopesh
Full amount of Smites
Exalted Smite 3
Divine Might 4
Intimidate or Diplomacy Ranks
UMD 11 Ranks
Half Elf
32pt Build: 15 Str, 15, Dex, 14 Con, 10 Int, 8 Wis, 15 Cha (wants +3 tomes).
3D6 Sneak Attack - Rogue Dilletante
30% Damage Boost - Human Versatility 4
Shadow Dancer 5
6D6 Sneak Attack
Shrouding Strikes Damage
Executioners Strike - Instant Kill strike based on Dex
Immunity to Energy Drain
Bonus Light Armour AC, MDB and Reflex
Incorporeal Form
Invisibility/Displacement 90s
Oncoming Darkness Epic Moment (see below)
30% Haste Boost - Legendary Dreadnought
Improved Power Attack - Legendary Dreadnought
Extra Action Boost - Legendary Dreadnought
There's lots of other interesting ones as well: Endless Smiting, Healing Hands, Hail of Blows, Healing Spring, Primal Scream, Sense Weakness
Notable Equipment
Dual Radiance 2 khopeshes
Seal of Avithoul Ring
Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf
So what really drew me to this Build? Lots of Damage....
The core concept of all this was to stack as much damage per TWF Strike as possible. I potentially forsee the following, assuming the use of Greensteel Radiance 2 weaponry:
2[1D8] Base with Improved Power Attack
2D6 Holy Damage vs Evil on Hit
1D6 Fire Damage on Hit
9D6 Sneak Attack Damage on Hit - Stacking Dilletante/Shadow Dancer
1D6 Holy Damage vs Evil on Hit - Capstone
And Situationally:
2D6 Light Damage vs. Evil Outsiders & Undead - Capstone
4D6 Damage vs. Evil Outsiders - KotC3
3D6 Damage vs. Evil Outsiders - KotC3 ToD Ring Set
2D6 Unholy-typed damage vs. All on Hit - Oncoming Darkness Epic moment
On Crit:
+2D10 Fire damage on Crits - Flaming Burst
+2D10 Fire damage on Crits - Flaming Blast
+4D6 Light Damage on Crits - Radiance
+4D6 Fire Damage on Vorpal - Flaming Blast
On top of this consider combining Divine Favour and Divine Might for the full +11/+11 damage per hit - practically equivalent to an additional +22 on Main Hand / +44 on Off Hand Strength! Thats some 'Rage' mode you can use to pump up that damage.
Everyone hates Divine Mights activation and I fully agree. But I'll put up with that until the enhancement pass for that amount of damage.
Need to go to town and ramp up your DPS further? Throw on 30% Haste Boost and 30% Damage Boost. Finally, with pure Paladin, we can take the full Exalted Smite 4 to get those Stars-aligned crits we all dream about.
For me, this may be the only Pure Classed character I'll ever play.
Epic Feats - No Overwhelming Crit?
I had a good debate about this one with myself. In the end, I found it more plausible in the playstyle of the build (single target focussed DPS) that missing out on Cleaves and having Khopesh anyway realistically negates any real need for Overwhelming Critical. Also, I like the extra two feats for customisability on the build. Improved Sunder and Quicken? Extend and Maximise? Stunning Blow and Dodge? Lots of choice here for customisation.
Divine Might 4 - 20 Charisma??
Base 15 Charisma, +3 Tome, 2 level up points, job done.
While subjective 'end game' is no longer all about running Shroud and Tower of Despair, these are still very popular raids, as is Demon Queen. I think its down to viewpoint for me - against normal enemies, my Sneak damage and sheer number of other dice and tricks is good enough for alot of content out there. Going up against Evil Outsiders? Hell, you automatically turn the DPS Volume upto 11. Don't forget, theres a wide variety of Evil Demons in the Expansion pack, and plenty of undead too to turn your PrE and Capstone against.
Also, there is a spare feat slot if you really want to back down and go for Defender of Siberys. Personally, I'm giving KotC a spin.
For any Dev out there, I will comment here and say that KotC is too focused. The PrE could really do with broadening out to combines certain multitudes of evil enemies so its less restrictive, or even take a leaf out of Smite Evil's cookbook and just type it against 'Evil' enemies.
You can have *most* of that with a two splash
Well, yeah, of course you can. Splash and you get more flexibility in your build and more versatility. I guess this Theorybuild is more about maximising what you can get out of a Pure Character class Build with the right Epic Destiny tacked on top. I love having Evasion, and a Pure Pally with Evasion is like an Alchemist turning Lead into Gold, for me.
DPS Paladin? Are you having a Laugh?
*Shrug* Not really. This guy should work out very well.
More on Equipment
This build is springing out of an attempt to create a THF Paladin14/Monk6 Quarterstaff build that I gave a whirl. It didn't live upto even my meagre expectations, so this is where he's going next for some fun. It does mean that gear wise, he has an awesome amount of stuff already, and alot of suitable items already.
Really the Radiance weaponry and an Improved Deception Proc is whats really crucial for me. Greensteel Radiance weapons are expensive to build (12 LDS for a pair with Flaming Blast!) but offer alot of extra dice for the fun. A Seal fo Avithoul covers off not only your Improved Deception Proc, but also maxises Sneak Damage from item enhancements.
Hide of the Goristro and a Planar focus of Prowess can allow you to fit in the requisite 8 Strength, +3 Ins Strength, 10% Melee Alacrity and if your really lucky a useful Shatter +10 Mod. I'm really fancying Improved Sunder on this build, and would really help sustain the Sneak DPS against against Raid Bosses.
Lorinthor's ToD set really isn't a necessity here. I think it might be a good swap in set to have for additional DPS in the right Raids, but unless you already have it I wouldn't bust a gut for it.
For extra kicks, I would really love a pair of Epic Chaosblades. This build should surpass the necessary 30 UMD easily, and with the Capstone can do double DR breaking. Vampirism is always great when shortmanning.
So your actually going to build this Monstrosity?
Yes. Check back in two weeks after my double LRs. I have 95% of the gear I want for this build, including the Radiance Khopeshes, Seal of Avithoul, Planar Focus of Prowess and Lorinthor set.
Remember - Its a Theorybuild
Feel free to discuss and tailor to your own needs. As with any of my Theorybuilds, its designed to provoke thinking and thoughtful discussion rather than be the best, leetist build going currently. Enjoy.