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  1. #1
    Community Member Silverhilt-2's Avatar
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    Default Please recode Precision Feat

    Hullo there,

    I recently took Precision as my lvl24 feat on my Bowbarian. Was pretty sad & surprised to see it disabled when I entered Barbarian Rage. Could it possibly be recoded to work as Power Attack does? They are both labelled as Offensive Combat Stances, but only in PA am I allowed to go all-out-offensive 8) I know Im probably in the small minority to want this change, but tbh I can't really see any reasoning behind this...

    Not asking for a huge priority in this matter, but shot them a bug report all the same.
    Any Pro's/Con's Im not aware of feel free to offer you input or suggestions on the matter

    Thanks for reading, Ilmer.

  2. #2
    Blogger and Hatchery Hero
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    i can understand how you would want the stance to remain active... but i can also see how it doesn't. i mean, really... you expect a raging slavering barbarian frothing and the mouth in the middle of RAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGEEEEEEE!!!!!! is going to be able to aim their shots so precisely that they hit the tiny vulnerable spots (bypassing the fort, etc etc)? technically it doesn't make sense that a barb/rogue can pick a lock while raging either. RAWR SMASH I'M GOING TO RIP YOUR HEAD OFF GHRRAAAAWWWWWWWWWWRRRR!!!! oh wait here's a locked door let me get out my delicate pick tools and make tiny precise motions to disengage the lock... *click* ok, done.... RAAAWWRRRR~!!!! lol

    if they change it, no biggie to me. if they don't change it, i see why, and no biggie to me.

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  3. #3
    Community Member CheeseMilk's Avatar
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    Although I'm sure I'll get hate for this, I assure my answer comes strictly from a "lore" perspective, rather than actual changes I'd want to see in the game.

    That said, I don't think a raging barbarian should be able to use a bow at all, unless it's to swat someone across the face with it, or to jam a fi****l of arrows into someone's eye socket. "Berserk" doesn't lend itself well to dexterous motion, as the above poster so colourfully illustrated.

  4. #4
    Community Member Certon's Avatar
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    He said the feat Precision, not Precise Shot.

  5. #5
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    Sorry I cant agree your trying to hit the small flaws in armor to defeat fortification and I cant see a rabid raging barbian being able to think clearly enough to do so

    Beware the Sleepeater

  6. #6
    Blogger and Hatchery Hero
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    Quote Originally Posted by Certon View Post
    He said the feat Precision, not Precise Shot.
    i know they said precision. they also happen to be talking about a bowbarian in this particular case. however, if it makes you feel better, go back to my post and substitute the word "shots" with "hits". still stands true.

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  7. #7
    Community Member Silverhilt-2's Avatar
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    Thanks for your thoughts and opinions so far, guys 8)

    I know that the standard view of the Barbarian class is that its some sort of Brainless Brawler, with only enough wits to use the biggest weapon he can find. Sure you can build them that way.

    Most of these Stances (Precision, Combat Expertise & Resillience), have seen some changes to them. Thats a great move imo, in order to make them more attractive to a wider range of builds, Im just under the impression that it must be an oversight to have Rage disable Precision. After all, there isnt a 'warning' in the Feat description like there is on Combat Expertise.

    A character is as Dexterous as he/she chooses to be, that has nothing to do with Barbarian Rage, which is also why I have a problem with the way 'Archer's Focus'-portion of Precise Shot Feat functions (also disables it 8)). Rage should only disable Intelligence-based skills, so if you are dexterous enough to open that lock, go right ahead!

    Im thinking the problem might lie with how Rage is coded (so the Threadtitle could have been better maybe), like all the previous bugs that have been popping up on and off during the years: Madstone Boots/Potions/etc.

    I would also like Power Attack to function with bows ..I like having more options, not less.

    Thanks for your time. /Crosses fingers


  8. #8
    Community Member Silverhilt-2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverhilt-2 View Post
    I would also like Power Attack to function with bows ...
    Quote Originally Posted by bhgiant View Post
    Deepwood Stalker Tier 5
    Requires: Ranger 5

    Heavy Draw: Toggle: While Heavy Draw is active, you deal +5 damage but have -5 to attack rolls with archery and thrown attacks. Effects that modify the attack penalty and bonus of the Power Attack feat also modify this ability (but other effects related to Power Attack do not). This ability has no effect when using a crossbow.
    AP: 2
    Also disables when Raging 8(
    Ilmer Silverhilt, 32pt Dwarf Barbarian12/Ranger6/Rogue2.
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