We, The Black Brigade are the first of the free brigades of Khorvaire. We exist, not by strength alone. The Brigade lives because we can hustle our enemies, drawing on their patience and striking where least expected. We fulfill all commissions with a sponsor until completion, termination of the commission, or betrayal of the sponsor.
(We are an easy going Roleplaying guild who talk in character during quests & in guild chat. We strive to make the game enjoyable as old pen & paper D&D was. We do not "zerg" through quests. We take our time to enjoy them to put ourselves in character. We accept players of all levels. There are no real rules other than to have fun. This is a game, not real life so we do not kick members for being inactive. Come enjoy the game with us! Send an email to Greyth or contact members of the Black Brigade when you see them online)