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  1. #1
    Community Member Anzanel's Avatar
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    Feb 2010

    Default DDO Drinking Game

    I've searched the forums for "drinking game" but haven't found anything too long or recent. Instead of being a thread Necromancer by posting on those ones, I thought it would be better to make an entirely new one. Besides, this is Khyber, and we're supposed to be better than all those other forum sections!

    I'll make a small-ish list for now, and any (good) contributions will be added to this list along with proper credit

    Take a sip every time:

    - Someone asks for a share.
    ...Twice if the NPC is next to the quest entrance
    ...Three times if it's a walk-up (ScarletIncubus)

    - Someone runs ahead and gets killed by a trap.
    ...Twice if this happens while the trap is still being disarmed (ScarletIncubus)

    - Drama occurs in party chat (1 sip/message).

    - Drama occurs in guild chat (1 sip/message).

    - You get declined from a LFM (or if your application gets ignored until the group is full).

    - Someone rips on Axer.

    - Someone asks for an invite to a ship with a Tier 3 altar in the LFM panel.

    - A guild recruitment ad is in the LFM panel.

    - You drink an SP potion.
    ...twice if it's NOT in an e/e or h/e quest.

    - You shrine (either res or rest).

    - Someone unintentionally falls from a high place.
    ...Twice if it's you.

    - You encounter a bug in the game.

    - You purchase something from the DDO store.
    ...twice if it was because alcohol lowered your inhibitions.

    - You complete a House of Rusted Blades run (will be removed post-nerf).

    - A puppy dies in HoX.

    - Someone gets lost on the way to a quest/raid.

    - Someone a kid with an obnoxious voice insists on using voice chat.
    ...Twice if they sound like they're in middle or high school and claim to be god's gift to women.
    ...Three times if a "kid" on voice chat turns out to be a woman. (wildbynature)

    - The party leader yells at others over voice chat. (wildbynature)
    ...twice if someone who is not the leader does the same.

    - som1 typs liek dis

    - The PUG you joined decides to do elite and wipes.
    ...two sips if it wipes on hard.
    ...three sips (and reroll!) if it wipes on normal.

    - You need less than 100 xp to advance to the next rank/level.

    - Anyone mistells. (Nadalis)
    ...twice if it's something embarassing.

    - Someone gets an epic scroll. (Nadalis)

    - The words "waft", "vast" or "fetid" are spoken by the DM. (fco-karatekid, tsotate)

    - Complaints are heard about Warforged getting nerfed (ScarletIncubus)

    - Someone asks "what house?" (ScarletIncubus)
    ...Two if the LFM is for a raid.

    - Your party wipes. (ScarletIncubus) more for each player who ragequits.

    - You squelch someone (wildbynature)

    - Someone DCs when zoning into the Sands of Menechtarun. (wildbynature)

    - Someone with painfully low HP joins a group.
    ...twice if the leader boots him/her.

    - The words "gimp", "noob", "haste/rage pls" or "heal pls" are uttered in voice or party chat. (wildbynature)

    - You drink a curse pot in Caught In The Web (ScarletIncubus)

    - You drink a curse pot when fighting a Horned Devil boss.

    - An enemy gets stuck inside a wall or floor.
    ...twice if this makes the quest impossible to complete.

    - You or a teammate stun/command/hold a monster and it slides away anyway.

    - A Kobold hops on a high ledge and cannot be reached via melee.

    - A monster teleports back to its starting location (what's the name for this again?)
    ...twice if he was just about dead.

    - You get tripped repeatedly. sip per trip.

    - The Dungeon Alert level goes up.

    - You fall through/go through something that should be solid.
    ...twice if it's the bridge in VoN5.

    - You teleport into the sky.

    - MyDDO works like it's supposed to.

    - You can't see the description on an item by mouseovering on it.

    - An endloot BtC/BtA item gets passed to the wrong person.
    ...twice if that person has already finished out.

    - A caster runs out of materials.
    ...twice if it's you.

    - You cast a spell/use a skill and nothing happens, but the spell/skill cooldown activates anyway.
    ...twice if it's the Key to Eveningstar.

    - "You are not facing (enemy)" when you clearly are.

    - Someone forgets to talk to the Genie while running DQ.

    - Someone realizes, right before a raid, that they forgot to get their end reward the last time.

    - You unlock a favor reward.

    - Someone crashes/disconnects when entering the Big Top (Sunarch_Kunari)


    - You die.
    ...twice if you have to recall.

    - Someone else in your party dies.
    ...twice if it's the party leader or a guild leader. (Nadalis)
    ...three times if Horoth gets 25% of his HP back.

    - The NPC you need to keep alive dies.

    - A hireling dies.


    - An attempt to separate the 4 red names and break the crystal fails.

    - The Wall appears. (Nadalis)

    - Someone breaks a puzzle crystal, or pours water into a fountain with an un-finished puzzle.


    - Turbine severely mucks up an update.

    - The server goes down.

    - You don't get the item you desperately need from your n20th list.

    - Something useful gets stealth-nerfed.

    - You mess up your Greensteel item recipe.

    - You won the roll on a highly desired item, but it accidentally gets passed to someone else/someone who recalled.


    -Match the drinks you have in Delirium in real life (gphysalis)

    I'll add more as I think of them.

    EDIT: There are now subsections for popular raids/topics. Added a bunch of drinking conditions and removed some redundant ones. I've made it "easier" in some places too, to avoid liver failures :P

    *Tuberculozis/Naxius may not be held responsible for party wipes, RL incapacitations, or liver failures caused by this thread.
    Last edited by Tuberculozis; 11-18-2012 at 12:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Default Our guild has standard drinking rules every Friday

    Every friday is Raidnight, and you better be prepared with at least a few drinks.
    Anyone dies: drink, Anyone from your team dies: take an extra drink, Guild leader dies: drink twice, You die: drink twice, You hit the ceiling: drink, any mention of portal dps: drink, anyone gets a scroll: drink, Talk in the wrong channel: drink, Awkward silence: drink, Wall in shroud: drink, Geun claims that pugged spots aren't really Canadian: drink

  3. #3
    Community Member fco-karatekid's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    1x if the word "vast" is used in DM txt or voiceover
    1 x if the word "waft" is used in DM txt or voiceover

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by fco-karatekid View Post
    1x if the word "vast" is used in DM txt or voiceover
    1 x if the word "waft" is used in DM txt or voiceover
    Sip if the word "fetid" is used in DM text or voiceover.

  5. #5
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    - Someone asks for a share.
    ...Twice if the NPC is next to the quest entrance
    Three if the NPC is the quest entrance.

    Take a sip every time someone asks "what house?"
    -Two if the LFM is for a raid.

    Finish your drink if the party wipes and someone logged off in a ragequit.
    -Pour another drink and finish that if more than one person does this.

    Take a sip every time the trapper dies in an elite at level VoN 5.
    -Take another every time someone else dies in the traps while they're still being disarmed.

    Take a sip every time someone complains about warforged immunities being nerfed

    Extreme Rule: Take a sip everytime you drink a curse pot in CitW

  6. #6
    Community Member wildbynature's Avatar
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    Default these work better for PUGs

    1. take a sip every time someone says the words gimp/ noob/ TR/ Haste Plz/ or Heal Plz

    2. take a sip every time someone dies zerging

    3. take a sip every time the party leader yells at another member of the party
    -take two sips every time someone who is not the party leader yells at another member of the party

    4. take a sip every time a kid talks over the mic.
    -take two if the "kid" turns out to be a woman

    5. take a sip every time someone ragequits

    6. take a sip every time someone DCs heading into the sands

    7. take a sip every time somone with painfully low hp joins group
    -take two if party leader automatically boots him

    8. finish your glass if you feel the need to squelch someone
    --Pealea, Peawee, worldpeas, givepeas achance, and whoopea on Khyber

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Either I need to switch to lower-proof beverages, or this game is going to kill me.

  8. #8
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    With these rules, we'd all be drunk 24/7

    And thanks for making me laugh

  9. #9
    Community Member Sunarch_Kunari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tuberculozis View Post
    - Someone asks for a share.
    ...Twice if the NPC is next to the quest entrance

    - Someone runs ahead and gets killed by a trap.
    ...Twice if this happens while the trap is still being disarmed (ScarletIncubus)

    - You get declined from a LFM (or if your application gets ignored until the group is full).

    - Someone asks for an invite to a ship with a Tier 3 altar in the LFM panel.

    - A guild recruitment ad is in the LFM panel.

    - A puppy dies in HoX.

    - Someone gets lost on the way to a quest/raid.

    - Someone a kid with an obnoxious voice insists on using voice chat.
    ...Twice if they sound like they're in middle or high school and claim to be god's gift to women.

    - The party leader yells at others over voice chat. (wildbynature)
    ...twice if someone who is not the leader does the same.

    - The PUG you joined decides to do elite and wipes.
    ...two sips if it wipes on hard.
    ...three sips (and reroll!) if it wipes on normal.

    - You need less than 100 xp to advance to the next rank/level.

    - Anyone mistells. (Nadalis)
    ...twice if it's something embarassing.

    - The words "waft", "vast" or "fetid" are spoken by the DM. (fco-karatekid, tsotate)

    - Complaints are heard about Warforged getting nerfed (ScarletIncubus)

    - Someone asks "what house?" (ScarletIncubus)
    ...Two if the LFM is for a raid.

    - Someone DCs when zoning into the Sands of Menechtarun. (wildbynature)

    - Someone with painfully low HP joins a group.
    ...twice if the leader boots him/her.
    That hangover will hurt.

    Also, DC while entering Big Top
    Khorgain (Orien) - Nearc (Orien) - Sunarch (Khyber)
    Quote Originally Posted by danzig138 View Post
    I want a small planetary system orbiting around my cranium.
    Quote Originally Posted by fco-karatekid View Post
    Congratulations, you made a high priestess into a heretic - here's your XP.

  10. #10
    Community Member Kelyrah's Avatar
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    Well, I know what I'm doing Saturday night :3
    It's quite simple; We're all mad here.

  11. #11
    Community Member Anzanel's Avatar
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    Someone made an angry post on the main forum and several of the listed items also make good drinking game items. Update to OP in 5 about mins

  12. #12
    Community Member gphysalis's Avatar
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    Isn't the best quest for this Delerium?

    Every time you take a drink in game...

  13. #13
    Community Member Anzanel's Avatar
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    ^ Hahaha! Added.

  14. #14
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    - You drink a curse pot in Caught In The Web (ScarletIncubus)
    This should be in hardcore mode, at least if you're a melee. Probably not if you're a caster (haven't actually done it on a caster)

  15. #15
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    One sip if the fighter complains about you insta-killing everything.
    Extreme mode: one sip for every mob you insta-kill thereafter.
    Finish your drink if you intentionally wait for the mob he/she's fighting to be almost dead before killing it.

    One sip if someone forgot their boots of anchoring
    Two if its you
    Finish your drink if they get banished.

    One sip if someone during dies Velah's fire breath.
    One sip if someone kills the Djinnies(spelling?) before leader says so.
    Two sips if it happens again.
    Finish your drink if you wipe because of that.

    One sip if no one picks up the voice or the ring.
    Two if it takes a couple of minutes to find who picked up either of them.
    Finish your drink if the person who is making a big deal out of it has it.
    Last edited by Altrelo; 11-19-2012 at 05:52 AM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tuberculozis View Post
    - You encounter a bug in the game.
    Are you trying to give me alcohol poisoning here? Seriously, I don't think there is enough liquor in my state for this one.

  17. #17
    Community Member Khellendros13's Avatar
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    The best drinking game is just to drink between breathes. I tried playing with rules once, and I just kept drinking regardless anyway.

    Last man standing in Evon6 and struggling to find your spells to finish Velah off while smashed off your face is loads of fun. Once she dies it is quite sobering.
    Proud Leader & official Gimp of Crimson Eagles on Khyber
    Angryscrews Wiz 20 - Felgor Barb 20 - Brelgor Fighter 18/1/1 - Flavoursome TR1 Sorc 15 - Splatsplat DoS 18/2
    Quote Originally Posted by Auran82 View Post
    Numot talks enough for like 10 people. So yeah, 13 people in that channel.

  18. #18
    Community Member redspecter23's Avatar
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    1. Drink when you are knocked down.
    2. Drink when you get up.
    3. Drink if you love Chumbawumba.
    Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen

  19. #19
    Community Member Anzanel's Avatar
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    Finish your drink if the server goes down

    Will update the OP later. Finishing drink.

  20. #20
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    Portal Opens

    Take a drink every time the silly Matron says "Thread of the Weave".

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