To all those that say the cake is a lie:
This was a triumph
I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS
It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
Max gratz.
just noticed this thread
woot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with least kills and most deaths!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Max grats to all the CK guys, and everyone else that took part in these. Seriously tough raid on EE, and you did a **** good job with this run!
Now, for the real trick: Less **** loot, MOAR CAKE!
Also, max grats to Az.
Araphina Skycrow - 15Paladin/3Ranger/2Fighter (Life10/25) 5xRanger, 3xPaladin, 2xMonk
Araphell - Arasin - Arathaes - Arawyn - Aravein
Guild: Fors Fortis;Guild of Won, & VENOM @ Argo"And we learn, as we age; We've learned nothing! And my body still aches."
DJ's Bravery Streak to 20 - DJ's Bravery Streak to 20 w/ Gr Tome of Learning
Divinejourny(Artificer Completionist- 21/21lives) - Dreamjourny(Sorc 4/13lives) - Deadlyjourny(Paladin T3) - Dancinjourny(Moncher T3) - Darkjourny(12Monk/7Fighter/1Arti T3) -a few other alts