update: resolved. thanks all
Hi, I'm pretty new to this game, so this could just be me doing something wrong (rather than a bug), but if so, I can't figure out what the problem is.
So, I'm level 5 with 1 level in rogue, and I've got 9 spot right now, which isn't super amazing or anything, but up until now I've always been able to spot the traps, hidden doors, etc in the dungeons.
But since yesterday evening, I haven't been able to spot anything at all. I've done around 10 dungeons, all for my level or lower, all on normal difficulty, and I haven't spotted a single trap, hidden wall, etc. And it's not like there just aren't any hidden objects. My level 3 cleric hireling, who I'm pretty sure doesn't have as high a spot level as I do (don't know about this game, but at least in 3.5e, clerics have high wisdom but spot isn't a class skill for them), is spotting everything, albeit sometimes too late since she lags behind me.
Is this a bug? I wiki'd the spot check list, and it looks like around my level the spot checks necessary are around 15 or so, so I should be making most of these checks. And I can't really believe that I just made terrible rolls throughout ten dungeons (including one this morning).
edit: Also, what's the best way to get help for these kinds of issues? For example, should I post here, or submit a bug report? Are there in-game moderators to talk to?