Quote Originally Posted by DeafeningWhisper View Post
You're confusing luck with skill, and your post makes it sound like you don't want people to get what you had to grind for, kinda like "suffer like I did or it's not fair".
I had to run 20 times the worse raid in the game to get my Pinion, but if they implimented a mechanic with a 10th run completion I wouldn't mind.

My current druid got his Torc on his 6th run, doesn't mean it takes 6 runs to get it and 20th list shouldn't be implimented since anyone can do ADQ2 six times and get a Torc, it just means I got lucky since some have run it 100+ times with no Torc.

Let's take Thornlord for example, what are the odd of making an Epic one? I tried for months to get the base item then gave up, so forget about the seal or shard. Yet I can get a much better bow in CiTW thanks to the 20th list with a fairly good chance, so why is epicing Thornlord such an impossibly grindy task?

We are not asking for an "easy bouton", just a sense of accomplishment and the guarantee that our efforts will pay up eventually because as it stands now I may run the LoD chain for the rest of my life and *still* have no assurance I'll ever get what I want...
YOU are the one confusing luck with skill.
Everything in this game is luck based. Every chest is random. Random lag. Even random combat numbers. The skill is in manipulating the numbers in your favor.

Sands has much much much lower drop rate and the quests themselves are harder and longer (although still easy the to u14 destiny en/eh easy mode).

Sands= very long much harder quest. Very low chance of a shard even dropping. If a shard actually drops thereby about 1/200 chance it may be the one u need. Even less chance if is ultra rare like thornlord or ring of spell storing

Efens =easy 5 minute quests can solo claw/last stand/fathom in 5 minutes. Can shorthand deeps in 5 minutes. GUARANTEED SHARD DROP from deeps. ~1/50 chance of being shard u want. No ultra rare shards

Bottom line. If original poster had proposed something logical like maybe a sands trade in i might have agreed. But to easy button the easiest epic in the game (and yes it is even easier to farm than house p) is just plain dumb