Druid, 32 point for now, ill TR soon.
Wolf melee spec with augment summon, not interested on offensive casting, just heal, and maybe Earthquake.
i also play with my pet, so he gets his share on the buffage also.
atm im lvl 21 with:
Augment Summon
Imp Crit: Blunt
Nat Fighting x3
Power Attack
Toughness x1
Weapon Focus: Blunt
and i intend to get Power Crit at lvl 24.
also i use a Lit II qstaff.
but lattely im think to swap to 2wf with Scimitars, but i need advice there.. only 10 feats ill get up to lvl 25, withought the class feats ofc. so i want your help on feat selection on 2wf with Scimitars! plz make sure u include Augment summon though and also include the stat alotment too, for 32 point and 34 point builds! thnx in advance! so far i have Str,Dex,Con,Cha +3 tomes and Int,Wis +2 tomes