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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jan 2010

    Default Dwarf, Half-Orc and Hafling casters

    I always thought it was a bit of a pity that some races tend to be outright better for some classes on every point. I don't think that all races should be exactly equally powered for each class, but there are some races I would like to see make better casters. These suggestions are not intended to make these races as good as the "main" caster races (drow, elf, human and WF), but they should make the races slightly more useful as caster, albeit a bit more situationally than the main caster races.

    Dwarves are not horrible casters, but with the new epic destinies the slight bonus to Hitpoints you get from being dwarf becomes more and more negligible. I came up with two lines of enhancements that would give dwarf casters a bonus that fits their theme.

    Kinetic Absorption - Cost 1 AP/2 AP/3 AP - Each time you are hit by a physical attack there is a 10% chance to regain 1d6+2/2d6+4/3d6+6 SP (Feat Prerequisite: Toughness)

    Carapace - Cost 1 AP/2 AP/3 AP - Your Barkskin and Stoneskin spells also grant your target 3 PRR/6 PRR/9 PRR.

    Kinetic Absorption is a "mini" version of the ability found on Torc. Torc is 15% chance for 5d6+5 SP while Kinetic Absorption caps at 3d6+6.

    Half-Orcs, in my meager opinion, have very little to offer a pure caster. They can make decent battle-clerics. I came up with some enhancements that give a half-orc caster some advantages when using a melee weapon as backup to offensive casting.

    Spellshatter - Cost 1 AP/2 AP/3 AP - Each time you hit an opponent with a two-handed weapon, your opponent is cursed with a Spellshatter curse that reduces his Spell Resistance by 2/4/6 and his Saving Throws versus spells by 1/2/3 (Feat Prerequisite: Two-Handed Fighting)

    Furious Spellcasting - Cost 1 AP/2 AP/3 AP - Each time you hit an opponent with a two-handed weapon you gain a Furious Spellcasting buff. The Furious Spellcasting buff stacks up to ten times and reduces the cost of your next spell by 1%/3%/5% per stack, up to a maximum of 10%/30%/50% cost reduction. Casting a spell consumes the entire stack of Furious Spellcasting (Feat Prerequisite: Two-Handed Fighting)

    Both abilities are intended to give half-orc casters an advantage if they choose to mix in melee with offensive casting. Furious Spellcasting also has the additional advantage of being useful for paladins, a class where half-orc is typically not an optimal choice.


    Nimble Casting - Cost 1 AP/2 AP/3 AP - Reduces the movement penalty for casting spells by 15%/30%/45% and reduces the cost of Quicken Spell by 3 SP/6 SP/9 SP (Feat Prerequisite: Quicken Spell)

    Veiled Casting - Cost 1 AP/2 AP/3 AP - Increases the damage caused by your spells by 5%/10%/15% against living targets that are not agroed on you. Also reduces the threat caused by all of your spells by 5%/10%/15%. The threat reduction granted by Veiled Casting can be toggled on and off.

    Again I am trying to come up with enhancements that fit the theme of the race.

  2. #2
    Community Member Mastikator's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Kinetic absobtion as enhancement for 6ap that grants 3d6+6 at a proc rate of 10% is WAY WAY WAY OP. IMO the Torc should get nerfed, but that'd never get passed.


    Dwarves get Dragonmark of Warding and already have enhancements for saves VS magic. I'd add enhancements that increase abjuration DC and CL. Perhaps even make it so Mage Armor counts as a heavy armor for the purpose of PRR for dwarves.

    Carapace is good, add Shield of Faith and Angelskin in that line though, so clerics, favored souls and paladins get in on the action too.

    Shatterspell is good.

    The Furious Spellcasting should only count for offensive spells, I think you meant to say that, but the description doesn't mention it. It should.

    The Nimble Casting for Halflings is also ridiculously OP, 6 AP to reduce Quicken by 90% and 45% agro? Are you kidding?
    Reduce to 10%/15%/20% 2SP/4SP/6SP for 2/3/4. So you get -20% agro AND 6 sp for 7 AP, it's not supposed to blow class enhancements out of the water. Wizard Improved Quickening II costs 6 and reduces by 4, Wizard Subtle Spellcasting II costs 3 and reduces by 20%.

    Veiled casting doesn't sound Halfling-y at all to me. Halflings are "lucky" and good at throwing, I'd rather give them racial global spell crit chance.
    Stacking 1%/2%/3% 0.25/0.5/0.75 spell crit chance to all spells for 1/2/3 AP
    Last edited by Mastikator; 10-23-2012 at 09:28 AM.
    That which does not kill you gives you experience points.


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