Signature weapon (Ex): At 1st level the weaponmaster selects his signature weapon. He has exceptional training withthis sort of weapons and gains increasing benefits with itwith increasing level (see ”Signature weapon”, below).The signature weapon is not a single specific weapon,but rather the whole weapon category (e.g. longswords,greataxes, or longbows). Therefore, the weaponmastergains the associated benefits for as long as he wields any weapon that matches his choice of signature weapon. The bonuses are permanent. Once chosen the signature weapon is permanent. The signature weapon improves at level 5, and again at levels 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30.
Signature style (Ex): When reaching 3rd level the weaponmaster has also begun to train for a specific combat style, maximizing his combat efficiency (see ”Signature style”, below). The signature style is composed of one combat style and one armor style. The combat style list includes unarmed, one-handed weapon, two-handed weapon, two weapons, weapon and shield, and ranged. The armor style list includes unarmored, light armor, medium armor, and heavy armor. The bonuses only apply if the weaponmaster actually uses his signature style. The bonuses are permanent. Once chosen the signature style is permanent. The signature style improves at level 8, and again at levels 13, 18, 23, and 28.