Just read the footnotes at the bottom of the assassin enhancement line on the wiki and i couldnt help but think wow. Not wow as in thats totally cool what they have planned but wow as in they are already planning on empowering the popular uber death monkies while they havent even fixed the acrobats yet. Seriously though the acrobat has been overlooked for too long now which is painfully evident by the fact that they are still using the pre U14 bonuses in the pre descriptions. Could be an honest oversight by the dev team sure, but more likely they just didnt deem acrobats important enough to update them for u14. Probably because not enough people cried about them.
At either rate a simple solution could suffice. Acrobats were intended to be the most defense oriented of the rogue pre which is evident by the boosts to dex they can get and uncanny dodge uses which they used to get extra uses for. With uncanny now om cooldown timer the extra uses become worthless this devaluing the pre completely. So a suitable replacement for the lost ability would be to have reficed cooldown periods for acrobats uncanny(say maybe cut the cooldown to 90 seconds or less) or a passive dodge % bonus for each level of the pre taken(say 2% for each tiet taken in the pre). Such changes are hardly game breaking and will serve to pish acrobats more towards what they were intended to be pre U14.