I am all for this idea provided the following applies:
100% renown loss WILL apply when:
Character leaves on bad terms (by selecting that option when they voluntarily drop from guild)
If a character is expelled by an officer of the guild (regardless of if the account is inactive or not)
100% renown loss WILL NOT apply when:
Character leaves on amicable terms (by selecting that option when they voluntarily drop from the guild)
Character is deleted from the Character Select screen while a member of a guild
Should be easily applied as the items above can be assigned different values.
In situations where a guild has a "Problem member" they could communicate with the member about improving their behavior and politely ask them to voluntarily drop from the guild on amicable terms if this can not be accomplished.
In my opinion, in the same manner that your loot is your loot, so is a player's renown earned.
Last edited by Chaos000; 01-26-2013 at 06:50 AM.
"drink triple ... see double ... act single! uh oh wife aggro" *hides*
Ok, using this exact same reasoning, I am going to argue for the decay of Favor. What is it but a different name assigned to individuals rather than groups of individuals. "What have you done for me lately?" should apply in both cases.. You won't decay below the first favor rank since they will always know your name, it just depends if they're currently singing your praises or mumbling about your laziness. After all, a characters Favor represents their stature or "fame" with the various factions of the world. The longer since you've done them a "favor" the foggier their memory of the last one is.
Hey if I can run epic normal 10 times and get elite favor for it I am all for a decay of favor
Also, if repetition penalties dropped off at a certain point that would be fantastic as well.
If low level favor decays too, being over leveled should not be penalized anymore
Last edited by Chaos000; 01-26-2013 at 08:22 AM.
"drink triple ... see double ... act single! uh oh wife aggro" *hides*
And if you drop below certain Favor thresholds, you loose access to what that favor gains! Just like Renown.
I'm sure Doc would be happy to loose access to what he has from PDK favor until he run it again all on EE. Bank slots earned via House K, gone until you regain that favor. Inventory, gone too until it is regained.
Don't think his idea what thought out all that well...
Prior to the recent change, almost all comments from large guilds related to decay were that it were too high and/or to get rid of it or reduce it.
It seems like there is a direct correlation between the decay/player ratio of decay and how it is viewed. This is not suprising at all since the pain of decay is largely only a small guild problem now.
I am thankful the devs are still working on it.
Which isn't a problem for a small guild....... But is or can be a much larger problem within a larger social group, as the chances of having an issue with a particluar player(s) is much greater. You see there are upsides and downsides to all sizes of social groups. You want all the benefits, and none of the downsides of small guilds. The large guilds already have to deal with all kinds of issues and now you want to penalize them even further.
See how that works...
In case of cases there should be the possibillity to have a member booted from the guild by the GMs without renown loss. We would have had one singular case of such a boot in the past, in about 1.5 years of existence and with about 50 accounts going in and out - a case of theft (arguably something uncommon, but if a guildie switches items through the guild chest and another knowingly steals something this is not ok).
Well, I wouldn´t write against renown decay that fevereshly if we would be showered by renown by anything we do except staring and blinking. But since we do not get renown at hight numbers / minute for things like repetitive epic runs, challenges or anything else except Haverdasher on H-E when lv. 2, I am still doing my fight for abolishing decay here.
And I still think, chaos ment renown, not favor...
And as a small guild gets higher up, like yours, the decay goes up. Eventually you will reach a point where decay equal your daily renown gains. Just like ALL guilds of ALL sizes. How active your guild is is the variable you need to take control of.
Accept the fact that you will plateau, just like all guilds. Where you plateau is totally dependant on how active your guild is in running content. No matter what changes are made, if any, you will plateau at some point.
If you need help or guidance in looking for ways to reach 100, I would look to the leaderboards of ANY server, see what other small guild is higher then you of relativly the same size, and there are a great deal of them, and get some hint on how they did it.
If they can do it, so can you. They worked within the current system to reach those levels and so can you. If you want to reach those levels you will have to do what they did, 'work for it' by working together as a guild.
I meant favor. it was in response to someone saying how favor should decay in the same manner as renown. (i.e. elite favor drops off)
But you bring up a good point. If it were possible to get renown per every successful quest completion this would provide players with a more consistent manner in which to gain renown.
Also, for capped characters where xp doesn't matter anymore... any way to convert the xp into renown?
"drink triple ... see double ... act single! uh oh wife aggro" *hides*
So you are saying that, although it does not belong in this thread but in its own topic, the reasoning for Favor decay is sound? They were the same reasons except renown decay wants you to pay to overcome it. Favor decay, given current rewards, would pay you to hover at a plateau level to decay back and forth on one character and rack up 175TP a week just running Guard Duty on that character.
That is why you'll see one system clung to and the other never adopted. No other reason, since the same "sound" reasons for both to exist don't work in both cases (for Turbine)
Last edited by DocBenway; 01-26-2013 at 11:55 AM.
First, at the current rate the servers will get turned down and DDO 2 will be online, before we cap. So your argument goes into oblivion. But without multiboxing and farm grinding renown, NO small guild may reach lv. 100 in any meaningful time, even if very active.
Second, I monitored our guild. We had a plus of 65452 renown yesterday, where decay already is deducted. We currently are at 10,200,000 renown total. This renown plus we had due to the ongoing event and due to having 6 out of 12 members active yesterday. Which is something to archieve, especially when counting in that one active member is a recently gone account (by players choice, we would have liked to retain him) and 3 accounts currently are inactive due to personal issues. I would call 50% members active one day a very good activity rate. And nonetheless we only were able to bring in 65k renown. Why? Because we ran a lot of stuff on epic levels (less renown, oh yeah), some challenges and only a few quests with low level toons (in order to help a new member to gain experience with the game). For the total of the week we had some 200k renown (we mostly consist of people with jobs, so about 1-2 hours / day are the most we can do during week) growth. It will still take us 200 weeks, not counting in ever growing renown decay, to reach lv. 100. This is about 4 years at least - until then most members will already be playing NWKO at the current rate and development of DDO in general.
So, please, stop arguing like a wisea** here. No, it is not activity, that defines success or no success of a small guild in reaching lv. 100. That is defined by actually being hyper active and cheating (like multiboxing, I call this cheating).
Last edited by Nestroy; 01-26-2013 at 12:27 PM.
You are perfectly right. The more I wonder why Turbine / the devs stick to renown decay as a concept. Because to my mind it actually hurts their sales. In my guild there are a lot of examples - many players that will not use pots "because the renown eventually will vanish anyway" - they prefer investing in more adventure packs or more bank space - things that do not get eaten up.
Bounty Hunter