Unfair claimed by only a few in this thread, yet, the fact that smalls are on top of the lederboards on all servers speaks to the fact it is not as unfair as it has been claimed. Can't be all that unfair since the leaderboard show otherwise.
Sure, there might need a small tweak here and there. Admitted that and even proposed changes and debated those changes with those willing to listen and compormise.
Also unfair to the guilds, like yours, that are not active, not running content. Change to the sytems will not fix that now will it?
They are doing something that the vocal minority here is not doing. Find out what that is and there, you have your fix.
By all means, keep on your crusade to remove decay because it is not fair for inactive guilds. But to remove that and you will have to give up something else to get that, like size bonus.
Good day and good luck.