Leveling is just as much of an issue for small guilds. Why are only small guilds prevented from leveling now? What purpose does decay that prevents leveling serve?
As for resists, as I mentioned, it just proves the point. Someone with the ship buffs doesn't need anyone to cast resists. Someone without does. it's an advantage and benefit to have these buffs. It was not nobody would pay the plat.
As for the quest, when I was a new player I had no problem with the quest at all except that I had no access to electric resist. That is the sole reason. Anyhow, arguing about that is ridiculous as the point is still valid. The ship buffs help. If they weren't usefule they wouldn't be on almost every ship that is a high enough level to get them.
While your large guild stagnated at 78 most small guilds never even reach 60.