Just providing an example of one who has been overly vocal in this thread.
It hasn't helped do to that IF in your statement. This is a test still, or did I miss a permanent implementation post? The old decay system discouraging folks from returning doesn't inform them of test changes to it, and a metric crapload of guild leaders didn't even know it was going on. I'll wager some still don't, and a surprising number who found out and came to this thread, didn't understand the system in the first place.
It has the
potential to help my guild under the proper planetary alignments and whatnot, but until a revamped, clearly documented and easily accessed description of what it is and just exactly how all aspects of it work, it'll still cause undue problems.
For the last year we have had mainly a core of 4-6 and a rotation of the other 15 active and not, but never enough to have more than 9 active at a time. Of the 15, 7 have expressed to me, a dislike of causing decay and reducing the bonus as a double whammy when they return from times away. On a rare occasion when there were 4 or 5 active I'd get to tell em they helped the bonus, but the standard reply is "I'll take you over (whatevernumber) percent any day." This may or may not help any personal 'guilt' they have over it, but I try.
Of the 4-6 core(still down to 2 sometimes, but usually not more than a week), all run giant's vault on alt character to be sure they have covered the days decay, so they can start having fun without worrying about hindering the collective progress made. This, even with a stressed don't worry about renown policy.