Based on the way you described it - it sounded like the main intent was for small guilds to get a lower renown bonus on days when some didn't log in.
It seems like this system can only hurt a small guild and only help a large guild. Seems like just another way to stick it to those of us in small guilds even more unless there is more to your methodology that I am missing.
I wish you'd stop calling your guild a small guild - by definition of players, you have a 'very small guild'.
Small guilds, by Turbines definition, have 10+ players, and you do not qualify for that.
For me, I dunno, 9 times the work, when you have only 2 active players, versus 200 active players of a large guild?
Seems like you're getting off easy.
Last edited by eris2323; 11-20-2012 at 06:41 PM.
What would be your issue with reducing decay tax by 2% per player less than 50? (50 = 100%, 25 = 50%, 5 = 10% of the decay tax) larger guilds will not experience the reduction AND there would no longer need to be a renown bonus as the decay tax will no longer be an inhibiting factor for smaller guilds? Progression for all guilds will now be possible as decay now becomes nonexistent in smaller numbers without penalizing large guilds either.
"drink triple ... see double ... act single! uh oh wife aggro" *hides*
because we are looking for easy button fixes to already wrote code not into rewritting the entire guild leveling system
because as leader of one of the largest most active highest level guilds across the servers i am fine with the new system thumbs up
because tring to find any common ground between small and large guilds is silly and not really even needed
because the leveling speed of renown gain was never a issue the horserace to first was over a year ago i beleave everyone else will always be 2nd best
because alot and i mean alot of players are okay with being in large casual guilds and the old renown system made all of them feel bad
because no where else is there a example of smaller amounts of people being equal to a larger amount of the same kind of people {game players } anywhere i mean 200-2 i dont care what 2 they are they have no chance of success in a head to head period
because when we tried to open debates to address the issues we all were having we were abused by a minorty of people calling us lazy and inactive and all kinda other names my favorite is korthos style army
because when we are finally feeling good about renown we have to hear about the reason it sucks from small guilds isnt they cant gain renown and move forward but solely on that they cant keep up with the largest examples and we was only asking for forward moving not really even once tring to compare ourselves with the small guilds
Here are my criteria for any plan that I will support, listed in order of highest to lowest priority:
1. There should never be an incentive to kick a player because of the renown they earn.
Not absolutely mandatory but very desirable:
2. There should always be a renown incentive to invite a player to your guild.
3. All guilds should be able to advance and not hit a wall that totally stops them from advancing.
4. Guilds that earn the most renown should level up the fastest.
5. The speed with which guilds level up should be roughly proportional to the amount of renown they earn.
The current test system satisfies all except #3. I believe it could be made to satisfy #3 as well with some tweaking. If I understand your plan correctly, it gains #3 for some guilds but loses #2 for some guilds and so I would reject it and say the current test plan is superior. By the way, the old decay system failed all 5 criteria.
Last edited by Tshober; 11-20-2012 at 08:10 PM.
Decay being based on a per-active-account basis, without a minimum number, means 0 people active = 0 decay. 1 person active = 1/20th of current minimum decay, 50 people active = 2.5 times the current decay. I would also tie the guild size bonus to the number of active people, because if you aren't getting a penalty, there's no justification for a bonus either, and even someone who's passively earning renown and not actively looking for it will provide positive movement.
The key to that system, though, is the way you calculate "activity". I propose that someone is not marked as active until they earn at least one point of renown, and when decay is calculated, the activity flag is reset for every character, so that a player only counts for decay if they have been active since the last decay calc.
this would imo require a new coded system which seems really really unrealistic plus maybe a restart of guild levels to begin with and i just dont see how that is even remotely possible or exceptable
i mean understand outside of small guilds not gaining on even ground almost all examples of guilds can forward progress currently withuout having to change but one number
well as a leader of a large guild before and after the renown system was invented it took a lot of charm and wit
when the bleeding started it took alot of posting in guild to make people understand a system that was too complex in nature
and when the renown started flowing in again nothing but cheers and funny mabar memories that in all the prior years sucked cause having fun watching your guild bleed out just dosent feel right
Ah, then in that case I must point out that your plan would still have players who were net negative renown earners and for that reason I can't recommend it. Any plan that makes some players undesirable in guilds is just not a good idea. The old decay system was rejected for that reason. Your plan would reduce their negative impact but not eliminate it.
I agree with your criteria.
I think the mechanics of the guild renown size bonus decreasing as you add members is in direct conflict to item #2. Tweaking the current implementation by increasing the bonus to renown received does the opposite of giving an incentive to adding another player to the guild.
Adjusting the decay for guilds that currently recieve a bonus and eliminating the bonus deals with #3 quite effectively because current guilds 24 or less will see 50% or more reduction on the current rate of decay they are facing. Between 1-50 player guilds the system will be equitable. Guilds of 51+ will continue unaffected by these changes and continue to enjoy the current system.
"drink triple ... see double ... act single! uh oh wife aggro" *hides*
Wow, I think we may have a new DDO record for the longest post here. Thanks Vanshilar for all your data collection effort on guilds and other effects. Amazing works!
I think I'll just agree on most points except maybe this example below:
True, but that's not all. This example only works during the build your guild event. Each member would have to create a NEW account and farmed TP/paid for the high xp quests. With inspirations from Zonixx & Gondore, I was able to get five level 8s in only 2-3 hours from challenges and necro2. That level of effort is a fraction of what it takes to organize 600 new accounts without the small guild bonus. Can you imagine the logistics of it? Under the previous system, they would certainly decay back to their equilibrium in almost no time after the event too. For large guilds, it may be more efficient to organize a new guild like what Gondore did, but then it would be back to square one once the 600 accounts joined up.
I actually just wanted a level 70 guild, but I could not resist the easy renown.But it felt terribly unfair to still be receiving the small guild bonus after level 70 while casual large guilds were struggling at level 70.
Nice and simple. If the devs gave a list like this, we'd have figured out a much better system by now. I'd just add another mandatory to help the devs out here
0. There should always be an incentive to buy even more renown potions and airship amenities.
Item #0 could be resolved with longer lasting/better amenities at the higher levels that many others had proposed. Or something like an antique airship token exchange for renown to buy the amenities as suggested by others too.
I think you've satisfied #3 with the system that you proposed here already:
There was some disagreements with item #5 in the proposed system that may be resolved if you can combine it with the personal renown idea.