I like this suggestion. I have endorsed very similar suggestions before.I believe the best solution is to calculate renown once daily on a per player basis. Take guild size into account when calculating decay but omit any players that would have a negative impact. Minimum of 5 active players.
Example 1 with simple numbers
Guild level is 60 and renown decay per active player is 100 renown/day
Assume the guild had 30 players, 9 of which play that day
Player 1: 300 renown earned (this player is counted and nets 200 renown for the day)
Player 2: 250 renown earned (this player is counted and nets 150 renown for the day)
Player 3: 200 renown earned (this player is counted and nets 100 renown for the day)
Player 4: 180 renown earned (this player is counted and nets 80 renown for the day)
Player 5: 170 renown earned (this player is counted and nets 70 renown for the day)
Player 6: 150 renown earned (this player is counted and nets 50 renown for the day)
Player 7: 120 renown earned (this player is counted and nets 20 renown for the day)
Player 8: 90 renown earned (this player is not counted because decay exceeds what he earned)
Player 9: 50 renown earned (this player is not counted because decay exceeds what he earned)
Player 10+: 0 renown earned (this player is not counted because decay exceeds what he earned)
The guild nets 670 renown increase for the day
Example 2 with simple numbers
Guild level is 80 and renown decay per active player is 200 renown/day
Assume the guild had 30 players, 9 of which played that day
Player 1: 300 renown earned (this player is counted and nets 100 renown for the day)
Player 2: 250 renown earned (this player is counted and nets 50 renown for the day)
Player 3: 200 renown earned (this player is counted and nets 0 renown for the day)
Player 4: 180 renown earned (this player is counted and nets -20 renown for the day)
Player 5: 170 renown earned (this player is counted and nets -30 renown for the day)
Player 6: 150 renown earned (this player is not counted because decay exceeds what he earned)
Player 7: 120 renown earned (this player is not counted because decay exceeds what he earned)
Player 8: 90 renown earned (this player is not counted because decay exceeds what he earned)
Player 9: 50 renown earned (this player is not counted because decay exceeds what he earned)
Player 10+: 0 renown earned (this player is not counted because decay exceeds what he earned)
The guild nets 100 renown increase for the day
Example 3 with simple numbers
Guild level is 80 and renown decay per active player is 200 renown/day and guild goes mostly inactive
Assume the guild had 30 players, 2 of which played that day and earned
Player 1: 300 renown earned (this player is counted and nets 100 renown for the day)
Player 2: 50 renown earned (this player is counted and nets -50 renown for the day)
Player 3: 0 renown earned (this player is counted and nets -200 renown for the day)
Player 4: 0 renown earned (this player is counted and nets -200 renown for the day)
Player 5: 0 renown earned (this player is counted and nets -200 renown for the day)
Player 6: 0 renown earned (this player is not counted because decay exceeds what he earned)
Player 7: 0 renown earned (this player is not counted because decay exceeds what he earned)
Player 8: 0 renown earned (this player is not counted because decay exceeds what he earned)
Player 9: 0 renown earned (this player is not counted because decay exceeds what he earned)
Player 10+: 0 renown earned (this player is not counted because decay exceeds what he earned)
The guild nets 550 renown decrease for the day
This solution will accomplish the following things:
-Guild leaders are not penalized for having less active players and are not forced to kick them
-Less active players can still contribute if they log on only once a week and exceed the decay rate per player
-Small guilds are not overly penalized by having the same total renown decay as large guilds as long as they have 5+ semi active players
-Large guilds can earn renown faster than small guilds if they have many active players