Originally Posted by
gremmlynn, uur, can you both please stop the bickering?
You both agree that renown decay shouldbe done away completely. So does the overwhelmingly vast majority of posters in here.
In case the devs think that decay should remain, the idea of uur can be easily altered to work just fine, in regard of the renown decay.
1.) there is decay per capita / active player. (decay seems to be an imperative for the devs.
2.) that decay needs to be as low as possible. (uur formula. What we players want!
3.) there should not be any decay for casual / noncontributing / very low activity plyers. (i think the vast majority of posters in here will concur.)
1.) introduce the "decay per capita per day" concept (uur formula).
2.) introduce a column into the guild member roster list, named "dailyrenownearned". Any renown before activated into total renown for the guild for the day is collected in that column. Personally, i am against making this data public. It is something that should not be the base of decissions within any guild. So this column is for internal calculations only.
3.) upon deducting decay for the day, do the following: Take all members from the memberlist, deduct decay per capita from dailyrenownearned. Set to zero if the result would be negative.
4.) all that is left in "dailyrenownearned" is then summed up and given to the guild total. Then and only then the guild gains their levels or whatever.
And do away with the idiotic ransack penalty! Make a formula with the above proposed idea where any guild could not get more renown than is needed to get the one level a day and stay 1 renown point below next level, if need be. This at last would confer to the xp system anyway and might be acceptable for most people in here.
I think this would give some sort of fairness to the renown (decay) and would make introducing much more complicated systems unnecessary.
And this should be not too hard to implement.
Of course, setting the 20 active accounts threshold for decay to something between 0 and 6 would even be easier...