The Old, The Temp, Option A, Option B.
all formula are in excel notation format
will post showing math each of the 4 systems, first will be just decay per day per guild by level and size; then will be showing the decay per day member per guild size/level.
Math is interesting. Removed all speculation in order to compare systems solely upon mathematical results. Actual results might vary based upon the number of inactive accounts in a specific guild and other factors.
First the math for the Old system is well documented:
Same table as the Old System
Guild size in total accounts- otherwise would have to guess at number of inactive accounts.
Second the math for the Temporary system is also well documented:
Same table as the Old System
Third the math for the Proposed system A
(GuildSize / 3 - minimum of 2; maximum of 20)
This gives a minimum size of 2, and a maximum size of 20.
Total members of a guild - otherwise would have to guess at a number of inactive accounts.
Same table as the Old System
special note - since this math must presume maximum guild account and not inactive - guild with nine and up might see less decay, depending upon how many inactive accounts the guild has however: since the system uses a thirty day until inactive, this reduction is not very great.
Third the math for the Proposed system B
Level of the guild
since the system only includes those that generate renown within the twenty-four hour decay window(period of time between daily assignment of decay) had to best estimate average number of members that would actually affect decay: set to 25% (so maxguildsize * .25) which accounts for the highest days (friday, saturday, sunday) and the lowest days (monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday).