Originally Posted by
simple is good as long as it is fair and this temporary system, as was the prior system is far from being fair. This temporary system heavily favors large guilds which are the minority (less than 10% of all guilds are large, and that is less than 10% of all players - so that means the current system is unfair to 90% of all guilds and 90% of all players (ok - 90% of players who participate in the guild system))
The proposal is simple and fair, and even just its core would be most easy to explain and implement; heck it is already explained in about one paragraph.
Guild leaders will always boot whomever they wish for whatever reason they wish. In the end this temporary system is extremely unfair to the vast majority of guilds and players. Time to fix it and the proposal is a viable solution that is fair to all players, of all play styles, all guilds of all sizes, levels and purposes.
As far as who or what defines what as you say are 'good' and 'bad' guildies - it isn't the game, its the players - ie the guild leadership. The first step in preventing 'bad' guildies (or unwanted) is clearly communicating expectations - which the proposed addition of a guild probationary invite system assists with.
The second step is to remove the excuse most guilds used to boot players (and still do I might add) - activity level and its affect on renown decay. Ok, so the mega guilds don't use that excuse any more - now the excuse seems to be we're full, so we need space for x so you have to go. Now it is the small guilds (which are a majority of guilds). The proposal does remove this pretense by changing the window from 30 days to 2 days concerning when an account affects the modified guild size.
Some of the proposal is beyond the scope of guild renown decay - and that is fine - those items came about from lively rhetoric and conversations in this thread; you will also notice that those items are further down the priority list in the proposal. You should have also noticed that the first suggestion in the proposal was to eliminate decay altogether.
The devs have said and have been quoted as to have said (just read back a couple of pages) that the system is temporary and that they are looking to find a permanent solution. With that said, devs have let slip in Lammania that changes are coming probably this year to the guild system. Now that might be hearsay but it does stand to reason.
So there has been no better proposal for a simple, fair to all, guild renown decay system than the one that is currently on the table.
I hope to hear more suggestions and hope we can work to incorporate those suggestions into the proposal.