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The problem:
Levels (and some perks attached to them) are the reason why someone will eventually complain about renown mechanics and balance. No matter how much the devs puzzle their minds to try to please everyone, it just won't happen because players tend to want everything the faster and easier the better, and of course they couldn't care less about other playstyles.
The (of course it's not perfect) solution:
Remove levels, decay and all that c**p. Make ships, shrines and crew members purchasable with astral diamonds and/or renown so you can p2w or pay just like you would do with plat, but with renown.
A very interesting system for me would be:
-- Renown is gained like we are used to, but some of it is kept by the char that earned it and the rest goes to a common renown pool. Let the proportion be selected and modified by the guild leader so when join a guild we accept that condition.
-- Ships have a common area for all guild members and a private room instanced per character. In the private room the "private" renown is spent in whichever shrine is wanted, in the common area only certain shrines previously selected by the leader can be placed, these are bought using the common renown pool.
This is thought to encourage all members to gain renown and create different guild models according to the % established. Let me give an example:
I discussed with my guild and found out that we can all benefit fron xp shrine and navigator, but some other shrines are controversial since divines want a +2 WIS shrine and a couple of rogues would love a +2 INT and there's no enough place for both. Thus I decide to keep only xp and navigator and forget about stats, keeping 30% of the gained renown to maintain the ship and those ammenities and save some renown for, let's say, a bigger ship.
My guildmates would be happy because they have their private room to place their favourite shrines and enough renown to buy them. I am happy too, because I know that if they want their own shrines they will have to earn renown, thus the guild will earn renown as well.
The complaints:
-- "I don't want Turbine to spend time on this!!! Fix the bugs FFS!!!! >.<" --
Indeed. It doesn't hurt to think creatively to find solutions for problems though :P
-- "I have an uber guild! I want to keep my high number to show everyone how cool I am!!! '¬¬" --
Awesome! Despite good guilds (usually) don't give a f**k about that number... Brag about belonging to it like people did before levels.
-- "What about size bonuses? Small guilds would get more net renown than big ones! UNFAIR!! :_(" --
Yep, potential WWIV if we consider this thread as WWIII. This would be tricky at such an abstract level but I'd probably remove bonuses but implement discounts related to the % of renown that guilds keep since it's natrural to keep a high percentage of renown, for instance, if we want to buy a new ship; since everybody is giving up to their personal cuota this must be rewarded with significant discounts! Of course this would work better because it would be CIRCUMSTANTIAL and as soon as you get what you want you can rethink your management with NO LOSS (this is key to avoid complaints).
-- "But... smalls guilds will need more time to get what big guilds can have faster... *sad panda*" --
Yes, a little, but JUST a little and for a FINITE time, not all the time like now. You can choose to make people contribute a lot and get it faster (via discounts and more net renown) or you can choose to make people contribute less and get it slower. Big guilds would be able to make people contribute less and get it a bit earlier but you STILL have a way to make it even faster than them with no real need to farm like crazy, just by agreeing it with you guildmates. Again, when you get what you want, you can keep your happy haunt as you please. There are options for all kinds, all have different trade-offs and benefits, but nobody is loosing at least.
-- "So your solution is not working at all!!!! We still have to think and decide what we want and the best way to get it... You liar! I want overall straightforward perfection! X-(" --
Perfection doesn't exist. Solving problems is a hell of a complex task when it involves human users. Even if you find a "perfect" solution, someone will come and break it in a way you didn't even thought it would be possible. It's important to minimize the flaws though, and the current system seems to me like a "I just want to shut up those guys that are complaining and go back to bed" solution, just plain arbitrary (been there, done that XD).
PS: I'm in slarden's guild. I play almost everyday, sometimes several times a day, and I tend to grab renown anytime I can; same does my bf. I've seen other active accounts too. Believe me, decay is awful :/ It is also very unpolite to judge a group of people without even knowing them, just saying ^_^