Um YOU said you're the one carrying your guild and that the others are rarely on.... I didn't lie.. I don't lie.. I have no reason to...
As I've said I can see SOME kind of an adjustment in that... But not a major one.. You get free renown now, and always have... Is it others fault YOU refuse to work on renown and choose to do other things? Perhaps if oyu spent the hour a day you spend posting here getting renown.. Or is it that you can't because you're posting on your bosses time?
I have agreed with that many times.. Again, watching you post, you seem to poo-poo on any hints others have given you.. You dont' want to recruit... You dont' want to adjust your playstyle so you get more renown.. You've made your own bed... Maybe I'm wrong though, and you actually DO try and get renown jsut as MY guild does... So that we get the benefit of that EFFORT...
I see you and a couple others... Now then, I'm usre there are other small guilds that are frustrated with the 20 accounts thing... And I'm sure that Vargiullle has read WAY more of your posts on the subject then can be tolerated...
It's apparent you don't follow anybodies advice... For others sake I hope they adjsut the system.. For someone like you I hope they don't....
The join a REAL guild....