I know there are alot of ranger's either pure or multi-classed, but in your opinion which pure 25 ranger do you think is best?
I know there are alot of ranger's either pure or multi-classed, but in your opinion which pure 25 ranger do you think is best?
The red ranger was always my favorite.
I think if Drizzt was a pure ranger he would be the best.
I'm not sure he plays on Khyber anymore though.
"And you ate an apple, and I ate a pear,
From a dozen of each we had bought somewhere;
And the sky went wan, and the wind came cold,
And the sun rose dripping, a bucketful of gold. " - Millay
I really liked the Exploiter build (18 Rgr/1 Rog/1 Mnk), though I don't know how much sense it would make now with the new combat system and all... Mine was a Tempest, which I TRd into a pure 20 Ranger Arcane Archer (because I had also found CitW's Longbow, Pinion (that and the Past Life Feat were a good starting point for a decent Ranger Archer).
I have fun with it; it has a good survivability, self buff possibilities, good HPs and a nice DPS output. Personally I chose Human as race, but I guess you could go with Helf or Dwarf... or wait for the "enhancement pass" and go Drow.
Pure ranger isn't a class I'd want to play at the moment.
My main has a ranger icon, 7 ranger/6 monk/7 artificer. Absolute blast to play, excellent ranged DPS, decent melee and great utility. On this character I've tanked elite VoD, healed EH DA without scrolls and done half the CC in EEDQ1.
Not sure how big an impact those ranger levels made though ...
Wowo thanks. Adel doesn't put down her bow either but shoots more arrows than a pure ranger can ever hope for. Okay, maybe once every 10 minutes in a couple of very specific quests but I can deal with that, it's totally worth it for all the extra procs from Shiradi/alchemical earth bow/frozen tunic.
I'd love it to be otherwise and hopefully it'll change soon (Tm) but currently 10k stars archers are in front by a country mile on almost any scale that you like.
As for melee ... Well, there's a reason we say that the ranger class ends at level 12.
read the "Dominant Class" section
also, i don't think 25 Ranger is possible at this point![]()
PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
less buffing, more nerfing!!!
to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"
As for what is best? it is up to your playstyle.
i have built most all of them. and learned the hard way. by planning and building and levelling them mehself. not by listening to what the majority of lemming s and their vocal leader say.
i orginally started with 1 Pureblood.
was jealous of all the ranged feats i was not getting.
Hearted of Wood many times over a few months into KensaiII.
Also built a Kensai III.
After levelly both? The II is better. (Many reasons).
But the funny thing? Its really a tossup with PureRangerDanger.
FE and Spellzies. Displacement Trampystamp. Nursing/self healing.
its all fun. Usually at top, and never at the bottom of the scoresheet either.
And usually the one carrying stones or rezzing with clicky.
And no, none of me toons EVER put down le Bowzie. Thats for the lemmings to follow along with.![]()
I'm currently eying off a dwarven tempest/kensai build. Rogue 1/Ranger 12/Fighter 7
And then in epic levels, park in Dreadnought. Wield twin Dowf Axes. At the top of dreadnought, you're looking at a 19-20/x5 crit, which is pretty hideous on paper, at least.
I'll probably never do it, but it looks scary at least.
Roldon - L16 Whirling tempest of gimp.. now TR3'd for extra super double gimp : Lauralis - L22 FvS: Roldocron - L20 ArchFail : Roldobot - L20 LotB FvS: Roldyn - L21 Rogbarian, i can has disable.. after i find trap with face... : Roldyne - L20 Bardouge, i can has disable... after someone else finds trap with face... Proud gimp of BeiberLu.. i mean Wanderlust
Well, I'm taking Kensai rather than Stalwart; Stalwart does look rather nice, but you need to factor in that to get those bonuses, you're giving up benefiting from rage, and at only Stalwart 1, that's a net decrease in stats. Now, if you're gonna be soloing a lot or without arcane support, and don't have a pair of madstone boots...
I also don't really like the extra 25% hate generation.
I'm with Wowo on the melee ranger no better than 12 thought.
I have a Horc Tempest Kensai Khopesh using 11 ranger 6 fighter 3 pally build that has excellent HP, kick ass saves, pretty good damage, and plenty of UMD to hit a heal scroll w/o changing gear as long as he has GH on. Which he can UMD a GH scroll to take care of that need. You could go 12 rgr 6 ftr and 2 pally but I wanted the extra lay on hands and the extra saves from the enhancements on pally.
Max str. Dump dex and wis (again this is a melee toon). Spend everything on str, con, and cha. Take force of personality for will saves along with the 2 levels of pally that will roll your cha bonus into all your saves making the toon very self sufficient and survivable. It won't be the highest DPS in the game but it will be up there with most and very few will be as sufficient.
Not saying this toon is for everyone but for me it's a blast to play.
If the toon is named after a beer 17 of them are mine & 1 more not named after a beer (the black sheep of the family). Beware there are a few beer imposters out there. Unless the toon has been "Banned From All Guilds" it's a fake Beer_Dude. Fake Beer in your group leaves a nasty taste.
12 Monk / 6 Ranger / 2 Fighter - Half Elf
12 Monk / 6 Ranger / 2 Artificer - Half Elf
Shiradi Champion 5
Point intensive builds - Must be 36 point build with +3/4 Tomes and Ranger & Pally past lives are essential to get the Most out of the Build.
Those builds do disgusting dps with Pinion, and at the moment they are still not at full potential due to some things not working as intended.
Iraskff (Monkcher), Iraskf (Barb), Roxelana (Sorc), Irask (Monk), Buffzii (Bardcher), Rosalana (Fvs) - Elite Raiders Officer ,Khyber