Editing this as an update on 1-21-13:
I made this build as a 36 point human paladin 18/ Fighter 2 (for the extra feats and tower shield prof) I have 3 past lives barb +30 hp and 1 past life as a fighter. This build is made after zavarthak's build here:http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=387055. So I can't really claim originality of this but this is my paladin version of it so far.
feats in no particular order:
1)Dwarven axe prof, THF
3)shield mastery
6) power attack
9) cleave
12)great cleave
15) imp crit slashing
19) GTF, Tower shield Prof(granted)
20) improved shield mastery
epic 21)overwhelming crit
epic 24) stunning blow
head: purple dragon helmet at the moment, planning to have epic helm of frost
cloak: GS cloak of concord opposition, epic envenomed cloak
ring:stalker ring
ring: dun ro bar of stunning +10
belt: epic spare hand
boots: treads of falling shadow,plannign on epic boots fo corrosion
armor: embrace of the spider queen, 3 scales away from red corm armor
gloves: purple dragon, epic gloves of the claw
necklace: +7cha, +6 natural armor, Epic sirens charm (+2 saves, +4 insight AC)
trinquet: focus of prowess +8 str or epic gem of many facets
goggles: drow goggles/tharnes/lens of the wooodsman
bracers: twisting shade
shield: bastion sheild for the extra DR and shield bashing feat which I'm missing due to lack of feats.
weapons: epic templars D. axe
-Now for some of this gear I believe it will fit much better once U17 goes live to help witht he slotting of +7/+2 inshgt and +1 except augment slots, as well as the ability to do +7natural armor and +7 prot slots but we will see.
stats: all +4 tomes
Str: 18 base, all lvls up into str (not sure the break down but with ships buffs i'm at 48 atm/ 50 with abaishi set bonus)
dex: 8 base, 23 w/ship buffs
Con: 16 base, 38 w/ship buffs
int: 8 base i think, 14 or 16 w/ship buffs ( doesn't really matter for me anyways)
Wis: 8 base, 20 w/ship buffs
Cha 15 base, 30 w/ship buffs
The build works really well even though I have had to give up some DPS from tthe fighter version, I dont feel that I lost alot in that department while gaining considerably better saves (doing this by memory) but self buffed I beleive they are 60 fort, 46 reflex and 43 will.
Legendary Dreadnought:
x6 crit profile o axes
30% damage boost x8
sense weakness
shild mastery
shield prowess
With the human versaitility it covers an extra damage boost x8 and fighter gives another 15% haste boost x8. With the LD I get 24 boosts total and sense weakness I get the extra 80% damage against helpless mobs.
So all in all I feel I lost a little bit of damage (regualry lead the kill count so it must be competitive still), but gained a better UMD/ LoH x5 and a huge increase to saves (which drove me nuts before because my saves sucked as a fighter). I dont count on my healings spells and mostly just use my SP for buffs. As far as gear goes I'm trying to figure out a optimum set of gear to use while still being able to stun, need a wisdom boost to effectivley cast and keep a high charisma for obvious palading reasons. Is the planned set I listed good or am I going in the wrong direcction for a DPS oriented paladin with shield and axe? I would have followed Zav's list of gear but it just doesn't seem to work as well for a paladin.
Thank you Zavarthak for the original DDD build, am enjoying my own version of it immmensley.