Can anyone provide estimates of Spell Resistance for Drow and other enemies faced at end-game?
Epic elite Drow? Are Drow the top end? Which other monsters are highly resistant?
Can anyone provide estimates of Spell Resistance for Drow and other enemies faced at end-game?
Epic elite Drow? Are Drow the top end? Which other monsters are highly resistant?
Drow - their CR plus 13. So ~53 for EE trash, and ~64 for the various house matrons and CITW priestesses.
Basically in most cases you should just assume they are completely immune to any spell with SR, and use non-SR spells to neutralise them while party members kill them in melee. Web and Greater Shout are the best spells for them (Web is better overall but both should be on your hotbar).
Generally other mobs have SRs that you will beat most of the time but not always.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.