I've recently swapped out Epic Spell Pen for Insightful Reflexes. It really hurts a wizard's epeen to see that blue shield (even just occasionally on EH) but making saves routinely versus meteor storms and cometfalls is pretty sweet. Especially with the prevalence of drow priestess in the new content.
With IR, I'm running around with a reflex save in 45-46 range (spell buffs going but no ship buffs). Without IR, low 30's which means comet falls are bad news. Shiradi draws a lot of agro so it's not uncommon to have priestesses after me.
As a Shiradi WF, my INT is only mid-40's as opposed to in the 50's if I was running Magister.
As Shiradi, I really don't throw a lot of necro spells. Mostly no-fail EVO with an ENCH secondary to amp up helpless damage on Shiradi procs.
As a Shiradi, I am AP starved. Have to go 7/1/1 across all 5 elements which means no toughness or spell pen enhancements for me. Potency is priority #1, then DCs, then Spell Pen accordingly.
Even with wiz and fvs past lives, I'm only sporting a 35 spell pen which pales compared to any elves running around out there. A bit embarrassed about it but trying to stay focused on what my build does rather what wizard conventions have been prior to Motu and epic destinies. Twists are energy burst: acid, Ench DCs +3 and Boulder Toss. Not willing to swap any of those out at this time.
Anyone think that, given this build, I'm making a bad decision foregoing the +4 epic spell feat? It's a pretty big blow performance wise...when I do cast spells that need a spell pen check.