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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Apr 2007

    Default First Life Sorcerer TR-Gear Question

    Right to the point.

    IM on my first life, a lvl 22 WF sorcerer.

    I wish to TR into the same thing again, Love the class.

    I have seen many TR guides, but none of them quite have the answers I need.

    I am looking for gears to collect for those first 10 levels or so.

    Eyes - ??
    Head ??
    Neck ??
    Trinket - @ lvl 5 Purple Ioun Stone
    Back ??
    Cloak ??
    Fingers ??
    Gloves ??
    Belt ??
    Feet ??
    Bracers ??
    Chest @ lvl 5 Blade mark Docent ( life shield and DR/5)
    Weapon single or Dual ??

    Basically I want to know what gear is nice to have through what levels , I would say 1 - 5, 6-10 ish , 11 ish to 15 ish.

    I dont have any green steel. I only have run Shroud maybe 6 times so far on one Character. I have all kinds of Mats I have collected from running lots of different places, so I am not sure if i can craft anything or not yet.

    My Crafting skills are only around 45 -50 ish So i am not sure what I could craft for myself for my lower levels.

    I have seen some posts about Abashi set for low levels.. I just dont know what is best for the first 10 levels.

    Also I read a TR post with a person doing Sorcerer TR but with a Rogue splash 1 lvl at lvl 7.
    I considered this, but I was not sure if this would be good.
    Possible WF Wiz Splash but I wasnt sure if a wizard will be just as fun as a Sorcerer.

    ANy inputs on loot please, and also on the build with 1 level of rogue.

  2. #2
    Uber Completionist
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Hello OP

    I often wonder about gear when TRing

    Im a casual player with no crafting skills (to give you an idea where Im coming from)

    Here is a link to one of my TRs to give you an idea. Hes not uber (and neither am I) and can pull his weight in Elites or solo them.

    I believe the Goggles are LGS.

    Yes hes a Wizard but swap out the Int ring for Cha and youre good.

    Up to L5 I use a Maelstrom (Carni at 4) a Diabolist Docent and whatever else I have lying around.

    Ill use the above set up until L11

    I hope this helps a bit

  3. #3
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    any kinda nice ml1 or 2 weapon, like maelstrom or the nicked greatsword
    carnifex - i still think meleeing til firewall is the way to go

    The abishi set from chrono, because it boosts your caster level for evoc spells.
    the various ml8 major lore items, combustion/corrosion item as appropriate.
    green steel con op item and/or hp item
    appropriate ml12 challange gear or beleshera's(sp?) scepters

    and various +6 items

    thats about it

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    At lvl 1, look at:
    mithral buckler of invulnerability
    eternal wand from Waterworks is awesome
    expeditious retreat clickies until you get to learn enough lvl 1 spells

    At lvl 5,
    ioun stone, blademark docent, abishai set
    use crafted gear to fill the holes in your gear
    deathward clickies

    At lvl 10,
    you can still consider 3-part abishai set, slowly fitting in minos, gfl, +6 stat items, greensteel...

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Jan 2011


    A greensteel SP-item and a belt and/or a ring with the largest guild augment slot you can use for extra spellpoints (hitpoints if you have 2 items). Craft anything you like on the items to prevent permanent damage from wear. Use a weapon with fire-spellpower and an offhand weapon with fire lore that you upgrade now and then as you level.

    PS: The level required for crafting invulnerability is very low and well worth making for levels 1-4 unitll you can use the blademark docent. And the marketplace scroll vendor is your friend, ask him for a full stack of invisibility scrolls.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Apr 2007


    Actually I did have a Blademark Docent in bank, how ever I made me a Docent that is also a lvl 5 with invunrebility , and Life shield, plus it has a medium Guodl slot augment, which i can toss a 60 sp gem in there ( 120 for me since im a sorcerer ) So thats a big plus and now makes it better than the blade mark docent.

    As for the rest of me, I think i was going to make ( this is all lvl 1 stuff ) Goggles of Resist +2, or blindness immunity.
    Head- Charisma II , or Wiz II , Cloak will be something depending on what I do with Googles, Might be a CHA +2 cloak, Belt will be either Fortification, Con +2, False life , Rings will be Greater Spell Pen II , other ring might be what ever spells I will want to enhance like combustion , Gloves will be Str +2, boots will be striding, bracer armor +2, weapons I have no idea yet. I might do my spell power on those and make ring something else.
    Still figuring this all out and want to make sure I dont miss much. I will be upgrading this stuff at lvl 3, lvl 5, 7, 9 anyway as I get higher in level. I just want to make sure I am not missing anything. I know I need deathblock still, so I will toss it on something some where in there.

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