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  1. #21
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    Not really we are getting epic gianthold
    We were also gettingenhancement pass, challenge XP rebalanced formula, bug fixes...

    oh wait
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  2. #22
    Community Member Dark_Knight_Silver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by barakhiel View Post
    Over six years ago, Turbine released Mod 2, and with it, the Twilight Forge, a raid and pair of quests which introduced a new scale of party-wide puzzle solving which has not been recreated in any following content with the exclusion of the Abbot raid. It was the pinnacle of high-end content before the level cap was raised above 10, and continues to be regularly run by a dedicated few. Those of us dedicated few, along with the support of numerous others who have been introduced to the raid, along with even more veterans who have dismissed the Twilight Forge as a lost cause, have stood by and watched as this prime example of quality quest development has been neglected and left to be forgotten while developers shift focus from our home world of Eberron (which many of us had avoided in our table-top sessions, but have come to appreciate through your game) to new adventures in Faerun.

    This petition is therefore written to urge the developers to revisit and revitalize this long abandoned raid and quest series, a move which would provide value to a currently undesirable adventure pack for us, the DDO community, and yourselves, the DDO developers.

    /signed Fyl
    Ya he ALWAYS bugs us to run this **** raid. Please Devs heed my plea to get him off our(guildie) backs! Please release it!

  3. #23
    Community Member Steveem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ap0k View Post
    well one has to bet it...

    /not signed.

    I want new stuff instead of old stuff with new paint.

    And besides...what would the epic version entail? epic pillars? hitting all the pillars? If theres one quest that doesnt lend itself to be epified its the Titan raid.
    I agree with you somewhat for the new content, but having twilight forge untouched compared to epic dq, which were released close to each other,wouldn't you expect it would be at least epic by now?

  4. #24
    Community Member Drak's Avatar
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    LEGION - Long Live Xoriat
    32pt 34pt 36pt 7+TR

  5. #25
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ap0k View Post
    well one has to bet it...

    /not signed.

    I want new stuff instead of old stuff with new paint.

    And besides...what would the epic version entail? epic pillars? hitting all the pillars? If theres one quest that doesnt lend itself to be epified its the Titan raid.
    Actually I'd say that The Twilight Forge when it was released was intended to be an End-Game Raid!

    Of course things panned out rather differently.

    But what has happened is that stuck where it is {in mid-game} it gets ignored as a waste of time and effort - Epicify it and it gets put back where it belongs - As a Top Tier End-Game Raid - Epic Lvls 22 Normal / 24 Hard / 26 Elite.
    Of course this also gives the devs the chance to put in REAL EPIC TRAPS {with REAL EPIC DCs} - The Twilight Forge was meant to be a raid that required the right Party Make-Up - Not just 10 DPS and 2 Healers.

    I'd say that Tempest Spine Should also be Epicced - This however can be the Pure DPS "FUN RUN" raid as opposed to the Marathon that would be Epic Twilight Forge. I still say the trap DCs should be Epicced as well BUT not to the super High Standards I'd expect of Twilight Forge}.

  6. #26
    Community Member eachna_gislin's Avatar
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    I joined in a LFM titan run on Orien sometime during the past week. A very knowledgeable and thorough person walked a pack of us newbies through what to do in both voice and text chat. Kudos to whoever is willing to do this to keep the raid "alive".

    I really enjoyed the quest. Any changes that would encourage people to run it (and therefore give inexperienced people like me a chance to become experienced at it) is a good thing.

    So I say /signed.

  7. #27
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  8. #28
    Community Member thunir's Avatar
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    Default my 2 Cents

    I was dwelling on the fact that, all great bound items that don't currently fit our builds basically become wasted space in a bank vault.

    My first thought was the create a Quest chain or Raid that allowed you to assemble the components to unbind 1 item for 1 turn. No real loot per say, just finding the materials for this "unbinding ritual". It would stay bound to account, but allow 1 share to another character and become Bind on Equip.

    Then, I though it would be a hard sell to create an entire Quest chain around this idea. So my Even better proposal is to incorporate this into a rarely played content pac. My first suggestion would be the Titan raid, hardly played anymore, poor loot to current game standards. I don't think it would take much tweaking, to scale this for Epic, it already has an alter for the UI.

    I know different suggestions have been to address BTC items, and don't know where the developers stand on this issue. Im sure its not a priority, but a mechanic where you are not grinding for loot, but the opportunity to garner something for another character, or reuse a great piece of equipment just sounded fun to me. Plus, we all like options.

    Would kill two birds with one stone. Because Ive seen plenty of these "Update TWF" posts, and petitions to unbind or pass along BTC items...

  9. #29
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    I have always thought this raid epitomized a higher order of quest design .. that said it's not for everyone.

  10. #30
    Community Member barakhiel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thunir View Post

    I was dwelling on the fact that, all great bound items that don't currently fit our builds basically become wasted space in a bank vault.
    While we've all had our disappointing experiences of watching BTC items drop for the wrong character we wanted it on, providing a means to transfer such items to our characters fosters an even higher degree of greed and further eliminates a process of progression our newer characters must undergo to reach the point our older, better built, better geared characters have achieved. Such a mechanic be best discussed for inclusion elsewhere.

    Those of us excited for Epic Titan want to see the raid modified to provide a challenge to our capped characters with appropriately upgraded rewards which are still relevant in light of the spectrum of epic items we can obtain today.

    Suggested changes for Epic difficulties of the preraid include enforcing a teleport lock to prevent the use of Dimension Door in the green puzzle room and invisible walls on the corners of the platforms in the Blue/Yellow puzzle area to prevent access by Abundant Step or Leap of Faith...

    Suggested changes for the raid include having trash spawn on the catwalks and other areas to eliminate safe spots the party would use to hide/pike, and possibly lowering the DC of the Titan's knockdown effect so that more than the 4 characters in party with a 40+ Balance can participate in the raid without fear of dragging the Titan out from under one of our precious few falling pillars...

    I'm not going to detail suggested loot upgrades, but I do have a wishlist
    Fylakas ??* Fylakia ??* Fyl ??* Drfyl
    ??* Thelanis ??* Storm Lords ??*
    ??* Go Elf or go home ??*
    (Error): You can't dismiss members of your party while they're in a dungeon.

  11. #31
    Community Member Silverhilt-2's Avatar
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  12. #32
    Community Member Crabo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ap0k View Post
    well one has to bet it...

    /not signed.

    I want new stuff instead of old stuff with new paint.

    And besides...what would the epic version entail? epic pillars? hitting all the pillars? If theres one quest that doesnt lend itself to be epified its the Titan raid.
    A little imagination helps here. They could do a number of things to easily make this raid epic. Simply making the warforge guys in the crystal generator room something that the party needs to deal with instead of ignore would be a good start. Obviously upping the hp and damage of the titan would also be needed. Possibly a wave of mobs spawn after each cannon shot.
    Put it this way, to epic von6 all they did was add 3 djinnis and some eggs and i believe it is still quite popular.

    Please make the titan raid epic. Alot of fun to be had there.

  13. #33
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    I would like to triple sign, but I am not so sure was would have the effects people hope for.
    The twilight Forge and two quests in the restless Isles are not like most of the adventures in DDO. They require high order thought, preparation, communication, party makeup and competency. The twilight Forge and Titan awakes obviously require puzzle solving and a good party balance that is not typical of most of the newer raids available in DDO. Bring me the head of gholla fan and slavers of the shrieking mines likewise are difficult quests when compared to other adventurers of similar level. Gholla fan requires groups to monitor SP expenditure as there are only two shrines both more than halfway through the quest. Slavers is notorious for the challenge it poses to mindless melee players. Making all three of these adventures epic would create high-end content that would be very challenging to 80% or more of players.
    A second point would be concerning loot. The named items from the Titan awakes are often gobbled up hungrily by characters who cannot fully use them under the excuse that they are being acquired for TR purposes. Imagine how much greedier folks will become if they can epic an item. The seven fingered gloves will disappear into the pockets of any character that they drop for because a +10 UMD item is worth making a character around the gear.
    Making it epic probably is not going to increase traffic in the twilight Forge, because even if the items are beyond awesome, few people will purchase a pack or even attempt the adventure because they might have to think along the way.

  14. #34
    Community Member xxHazexx's Avatar
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    Post Yup


    Shadowhaze-Righteouss-Technological Warfare-Lightes.
    Fear is the enemy of logic-Frank Sinatra

  15. #35
    Community Member Jay203's Avatar
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    epic titan docent.... Mmmmmm....
    PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
    less buffing, more nerfing!!!
    to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"

  16. #36
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    Default //double signed

    //double signed

    I've always loved Titan. I will continue to rally behind the idea of making it epic. I don't have a lot of hope that it will ever be made epic for a few reasons:

    1. Titan had a lot of "issues" throughout many updates and hot fixes. It is highly probable that memory is persistent in the devs' minds.

    2. Popularity (or lack thereof). Giving a facelift, gear upgrades, epic looties and new challenges to that unpopular area (gauging by average play time) is risky as an income generator. It probably takes the same (or even less) amount of time work to make new content from scratch. Why risk it?

    Now, in order to get around the above issues, what Turbine should consider is:

    1. Add new epic quests to the restless isles (NEW epic quests, just leave the old quests and raid heroic don't change them at all). Make some new unique drops for these new epic quests and/or epic upgrade path for the two old quests' named loot.

    2. Add a second raid to the restless isles, a very high lvl epic only raid (heck, call it "Re-Awake the Titan", and have it start in an epic junkyard next to his dead epic metal corpse from his defeat in Titan Awakes, new puzzles in the junk yard to awake him, etc. etc.). Make some new epic raid loot, and a way to upgrade old Titan raid loot.

    And there ya go, a way to drive Titan sales (Turbine could sell a bundle of the old and new restless isles, or "upgrade" old Restless Isle pack pricing). I think most naysayers would be pleased with this approach because:

    1. It will provide entirely new content.
    2. It will keep the "theme" of the old quests and raid which if done properly will also play along the same strategy and story lines.
    3. It would provide entirely new loot.
    4. It would provide upgrade path to old Restless Isles named loot.
    5. It would be sold as upgrade pack or bundle old/new pack.
    6. It would revive interest in the area (I've run into so many players over the years that have been playing for a year or more and don't even know it is there!)

    my two cents
    RTFM on Khyber

  17. #37
    Community Member grayham's Avatar
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    Never ran it, since LFM's are so scarce. I would make an effort for Epic though.
    My personal view is that it's poor business strategy to have new gear only with each update. This leads to 'emperors new clothes' syndrome and is not sustainable, or fun.

    More variety, more choice, more fun.

  18. #38
    Hero Hellllboy's Avatar
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    I think this raid is not very "user friendly" and would have to be "simplified" for the general gaming population before Turbine ever considered making it an Epic quest.

    A lot of new players cant complete it on normal through leet difficulty.

    In the end-it would be fun to play it on Epic-but I dont see any development in the near future.

  19. #39
    Community Member cupajoe's Avatar
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    Default Yes please


    I feel this would definitely be run more if it were made epic.

  20. #40
    Community Member t0r012's Avatar
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    I bought restless isles 2+ years ago and have run Titan all of twice.
    I have to solo the flag quests cause no one runs them.

    Rather than epic I'd like to see the isles go F2P.
    Not against the idea of epic but I'd like to see it f2p first. This comming from someone that actually purchased the pack.
    Move along , Nothing to see here

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