Over six years ago, Turbine released Mod 2, and with it, the Twilight Forge, a raid and pair of quests which introduced a new scale of party-wide puzzle solving which has not been recreated in any following content with the exclusion of the Abbot raid. It was the pinnacle of high-end content before the level cap was raised above 10, and continues to be regularly run by a dedicated few. Those of us dedicated few, along with the support of numerous others who have been introduced to the raid, along with even more veterans who have dismissed the Twilight Forge as a lost cause, have stood by and watched as this prime example of quality quest development has been neglected and left to be forgotten while developers shift focus from our home world of Eberron (which many of us had avoided in our table-top sessions, but have come to appreciate through your game) to new adventures in Faerun.
This petition is therefore written to urge the developers to revisit and revitalize this long abandoned raid and quest series, a move which would provide value to a currently undesirable adventure pack for us, the DDO community, and yourselves, the DDO developers.
/signed Fyl