In crafting the Rune Arm "Hand of Tombs" Which shard is the better to use? Combustion or Fire Lore? Thanks.
In crafting the Rune Arm "Hand of Tombs" Which shard is the better to use? Combustion or Fire Lore? Thanks.
Maxen Thor
Depends if you want more consistent damage or higher burst damage. Combustion will help all of the fire based spells (not the turret tho, that's a summon) you cast (including rune arms) do more damage all the time. Fire Lore on an item will stack with your own lore enhancements to grant better chances of criticals with more power. While crits over the long term with a high crit chance will mean higher average damage, most of the fights you'll be in simply won't be long term. Also, although the rune arm is fire based, very few of the arti spells have fire in them. IMO-Seems kind of a waste of a slot to augment just the rune arm's firepower, unless you leave it on auto charge all the time and fire it every time it reaches full. In that case, it may be worthwhile. You might consider Ranged Alacrity 10%, or look at what area(s) your current gear is lacking in and add that attribute/Blindness Imm/Fire Resist/15% Electric Absorb... instead. Just a thought.
Last edited by falcon8; 10-17-2012 at 06:29 PM.
Thanks for your response it has been very helpful.
Maxen Thor
To put it on auto charge. Pull the icon from your feats list to your quick bar. Then just click it on or off like your attack or sneak icon. It goes up faster when you are standing still. And the maxcharge goes down if you move before firing.
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Drop the Rune arm feat on your hot bar, it then becomes a Clickie that you can arm and disarm. If you leave it on, your Runearm will autocharge and fire at will.