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  1. #1
    Community Member SealedInSong's Avatar
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    Nov 2009

    Default Player-created armor/weapon skins

    I hope this wouldn't be too challenging to code, but my premise is:

    1) Player purchases a "beholder eye elixir" (placeholder name) for a modicum of Turbine points (i.e. 150-200)
    2) Placed in the Stone of Change with a single item, either torso slot or hand slot, a successful transformation will destroy the item and the essence to create a "beholder essence of [base item]" (placeholder name)
    3) Player can apply the essence to an item of the same base item type the way an armor kit can be applied to armor

    Armor example: PlayerX wants to conceal the fact that she's wearing Spidersilk Robes like so many other characters of her level. She places a beholder eye elixir she has purchased in the stone of change with a loot-generated yellow robe whose aesthetics she appreciates. Because the Spidersilk Robes are an appropriate base item for her newly-created "beholder essence of robes," she can apply that skin to her Spidersilk Robes and toggle them on or off at her will.

    Weapon example: PlayerY wields a greensteel scimitar often and the graphics do not appeal to him. He creates a beholder essence of long swords and attempts to apply it to his scimitar, and it fails. Realizing his mistake, he obtains a scimitar whose graphics are appealing and applies those instead.

    Logic: the customization from armor skins and cosmetic helms has undoubtedly given a boost to Turbine's revenue, and adding items of this nature in the Turbine store (and occasionally as rare drops in quests to whet players' appetites for more customization) would fill the gap for players that really want to customize their look outside of the pre-made armor kits.

    It gives players a way to pay Turbine for a comparatively limitless amount of customization decisions, so both parties benefit.

    Other people may have come up with this idea in the past (a cursory Google search didn't help me find it, however), but I would personally pay Turbine points to mask/change the graphics of many items on even more characters, including: Minos Legens, Sword of Shadows, alchemical quarterstaves, alchemical light shields, all named armors, greensteel khopeshes, greensteel quarterstaves, and more. A lot more, in fact.

    If it is easier on Turbine, perhaps releasing only armor aesthetic deconstruction initially and then piloting weapon aesthetic deconstruction might be easier.

    The technology already exists for applying skins, and I think the entire community could benefit a lot from being able to roleplay their characters, distinguish themselves, and spice up loot generated equipment finds.

    With the amount of ninja cowl+spiderspun caparison or gold skull helm+gold spiral armor kit combinations I see running around Sarlona, I've no doubt the playerbase would capitalize on a new resource like this.

    Character Compendium
    Sarlona*Eternal Wrath

  2. #2
    Community Member Terebinthia's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    Very nice. You should consider adding this to the low hanging fruit thread that is about right now. Weapon skins might be harder, but the armour kit tech is at least partially there, surely?
    Terebinthia, Terebynthia, Tereana, Tereaina, Tereanna, Terebyte, Terechan, Terebinthis
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  3. #3
    Sketchy Adventurer aradelothion's Avatar
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    /signed, but would appreciate it even more if we can grab the essence from named items as well; I love the look of the Silken Mail, and would definitely pay TP to graft that onto my Hide of the Goristro
    Asmodeux | Carollous Magnus | Angeleus Dei | Solkanaar | Damodarius
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  4. #4
    Community Member Asmodeus451's Avatar
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    so, just to make sure i'm reading this right, ths would allow players to take a skin that they like from an armor/outfit/robe that has crappy stats and put it on one that they are actually wearing?

    if so:

    /SIGNED x1000000

    my ONLY addition would be to add the same feature for Helmets
    The Funniest Thing I've Ever Read
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  5. #5
    Community Member SealedInSong's Avatar
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    Nov 2009

    Default Quickened Resurrection + Unyielding Sovereignty on this thread

    Apologies for forum necromancy, but with Feather's great work on making some non-tacky outfits out there, I'd like to bump this thread up again.

    Also, QuartermasterX has mentioned a couple of times that he intends to revamp the way armor skins work.

    There is so much great Turbine artwork in this game, I think we need a way to use it creatively and reward (pay) Turbine for that effort.
    Character Compendium
    Sarlona*Eternal Wrath

  6. #6


    They have stated they are working on a new cosmetic system. So maybe by next year we'll have a teaser.

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