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Been through the guild chest drama cycle twice in my guild now.
Here's the thing - it's not anybody's fault. It's about how you look at the chest.
The only way the chest can be drama-free is that if everyone using the chest knows that putting something into the chest is the same as destroying it. Once it is in there, you rescind all ownership of the item to anyone who might want it.
You can say as much as you want about who should and shouldn't do this or that with stuff in the chest, but in the end that's a choice, and it opens you to this kind of drama. The first time I got involved in guild chest drama that was where I was coming from. The chest got looted and I was up in arms.
But what the hell did I expect?
Second time around, I'd learned my lesson and was now the guild leader, so I made my position clear: if it's in the chest, its free for whoever takes it, no questions asked. Simple as that.
I refuse to pay upkeep for the chest, as it causes this kind of drama, but I am not going to stop my fellow guildies from buying it, and we keep a spot free for them to do so. But there is NO getting upset if the chest is empty.
And with that understanding we've not had any more drama.
So there's my POV.