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  1. #61
    Hatchery Hero Sonos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zonedout_loser View Post
    Sorry sonos, but im stealing this, but it is just like brining food to a party. Some people... just take more than others.

    If you want to fix this, either dont invite anyone you dont know into the guild, or wait until turbine adds more permissions to guilds and annemities (spelling sucks)
    We get it that people mess up for having that rare disease of trusting a stranger who seems nice at the time.

    The food at my party is for all of my guests, including you. If you bring tupperware and loot the whole freaking spread to eat at your house... you suck and the whole neighborhood needs to know that you should never be invited to a party again because you are a scum-sucking lowlife(is that better than the word thief folks? good).

  2. #62
    The Hatchery Hutoth's Avatar
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    Default It's not about fault

    Been through the guild chest drama cycle twice in my guild now.

    Here's the thing - it's not anybody's fault. It's about how you look at the chest.

    The only way the chest can be drama-free is that if everyone using the chest knows that putting something into the chest is the same as destroying it. Once it is in there, you rescind all ownership of the item to anyone who might want it.

    You can say as much as you want about who should and shouldn't do this or that with stuff in the chest, but in the end that's a choice, and it opens you to this kind of drama. The first time I got involved in guild chest drama that was where I was coming from. The chest got looted and I was up in arms.

    But what the hell did I expect?

    Second time around, I'd learned my lesson and was now the guild leader, so I made my position clear: if it's in the chest, its free for whoever takes it, no questions asked. Simple as that.
    I refuse to pay upkeep for the chest, as it causes this kind of drama, but I am not going to stop my fellow guildies from buying it, and we keep a spot free for them to do so. But there is NO getting upset if the chest is empty.
    And with that understanding we've not had any more drama.

    So there's my POV.
    Anaplian and Csimian
    Brotherhood of the Wolf
    AUREON/ KEEPER 2006-2009 | CANNITH 2010-

  3. #63
    Hatchery Hero Sonos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hutoth View Post
    Been through the guild chest drama cycle twice in my guild now.

    Here's the thing - it's not anybody's fault. It's about how you look at the chest.

    The only way the chest can be drama-free is that if everyone using the chest knows that putting something into the chest is the same as destroying it. Once it is in there, you rescind all ownership of the item to anyone who might want it.

    You can say as much as you want about who should and shouldn't do this or that with stuff in the chest, but in the end that's a choice, and it opens you to this kind of drama. The first time I got involved in guild chest drama that was where I was coming from. The chest got looted and I was up in arms.

    But what the hell did I expect?

    Second time around, I'd learned my lesson and was now the guild leader, so I made my position clear: if it's in the chest, its free for whoever takes it, no questions asked. Simple as that.
    I refuse to pay upkeep for the chest, as it causes this kind of drama, but I am not going to stop my fellow guildies from buying it, and we keep a spot free for them to do so. But there is NO getting upset if the chest is empty.
    And with that understanding we've not had any more drama.

    So there's my POV.

    The thread isn't really about some guildie taking his lion's share of lootz. It's about someone, under the guise of wanting to be a part of your guild, gets invited, loots and demits causing a recent departure(nvm the new renown tests going on). Then repeats this process over and over.

  4. #64
    The Hatchery Hutoth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sonos View Post
    The thread isn't really about some guildie taking his lion's share of lootz. It's about someone, under the guise of wanting to be a part of your guild, gets invited, loots and demits causing a recent departure(nvm the new renown tests going on). Then repeats this process over and over.
    Yep - I understand.

    If you fall victim to this kind of exploitation yes it sucks, but it's also about your approach to the chest: You already gave away the stuff in there by the mere act of putting it in. Only if you feel some residual sense of ownership over those items can you suffer.

    Let me reiterate: I hate the guild chest, because it causes this kind of drama, but I don't blame people for getting upset. My advice is that the key to avoiding the drama and upset lies in how you approach the chest.
    Last edited by Hutoth; 11-01-2012 at 06:47 PM.
    Anaplian and Csimian
    Brotherhood of the Wolf
    AUREON/ KEEPER 2006-2009 | CANNITH 2010-

  5. #65
    Uber Completionist
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    A guild chest unfortunately always causes drama at some stage in my opinion. Either that items get lost, stolen, etc. or someone complaining that others put useless stuff in it, etc. Many ways to create drama with a guild chest that only takes away a valuable spot for a buff. So that's why we don't put one up in the first place to avoid any potential drama.

    If a guild member needs anything or has some goodies to give away he can post so in guild chat and items/gear can be transferred to guildies in need. That's at least how we handle it.

    Guilds that got hit by what you called "guild-chest-theft" might wanna reconsider their recruiting policy. If you take on just about anyone that is yelling "guild invite" you literally ask for trouble at some stage.

  6. #66
    The Hatchery Habreno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davyscy View Post
    imo we should do what argo does best: Troll him via lfms.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheLegendOfAra View Post
    Welcome to Argo, where our end game players are constantly striving for new and exciting ways to make themselves more gimp, and continually working towards progressively more pointless goals.
    BYOH. Know it, abide by it, or don't mess with those who do.

  7. #67
    Community Member arkonas's Avatar
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    ill keep it simple. have a guild chest on your ship. watch who you invite. Don't want to listen to that golden rule. it's your fault then. After it happens you can't just come on and complain someone wiped us out of all of our stuff. Then we will ask you that wonderful question. Did you know them? i bet that answer is no.

  8. #68
    Community Member akash's Avatar
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    Placing items in the guild chest and recruiting random people in the guild is just like doing a great charity. IMHO only recruit people who you can trust, otherwise stop using guild chest OR continue serving the society by your charity works.

  9. #69
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    people actually toss good loot into those things? Usually every place I ever took a peek inside was filled with **** even the venders gave you a **** price for.

    It takes a sick soul to rob all that stuff!! Micheal Mcdoesntexist needs to be stopped!

  10. #70
    Community Member akash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodspeed View Post
    people actually toss good loot into those things? Usually every place I ever took a peek inside was filled with **** even the venders gave you a **** price for.

    It takes a sick soul to rob all that stuff!! Micheal Mcdoesntexist needs to be stopped!
    In some guilds specially with one high level dedicated crafter, all guild representatives store their ingredients/essences in the guild chest. When the crafter logs in s/he loots the chest and start making things for the guildies. If anyone other than the crafter ninja loots the essences and sell it outside, that will create a negative impact on the guild performance.

  11. #71
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    sounds like the perfect time for turbine to create a guild bank and sell it for 1120 tp!!

  12. #72
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    Default Totally unreal!!

    Quote Originally Posted by davyscy View Post
    How the hell did a thread warning about a repeatedly guild chest looter become a thread about the definition of thievery? What he did was clearly immoral, who cares what the word "thief" means exactly.

    I do agree that calling him out on forums isn't the best way to approach this, imo we should do what Argo does best: troll him via LFMs.
    I just cant believe people actually want to try and defend such actions. Thats what's wrong with our society today. There are no true consequences for these types of individuals and so it goes on and continues to get worse.
    Not only should he be called out on it, he should be listed on a special site where we all can see what they are about. When you go get a job or join a club dont they usually beackground check you? They use all forms credit check,job history check, schooling check, etc. So why is it wrong to check a player out or have a website that shows what he has done?
    So I join a private club and they invite me with good intentions. hey guess what they put out free donuts and coffee. Let me get my truck and load it up, before anyone else gets any!!! Sorry this is wrong and this jerk needs to be called out and posted for all to see. He ruins the very thing we come to ddo to do, "Have Fun" "Be good natured" Call his butt out and let the world know. Just provide your name and guild. Be credible when doing it & be honest. Pay backs a Bi---!!!

  13. #73
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    You should be made chief archeologist.
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

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