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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default D+D, Metal and wood, Machine and man

    I arrived in Stormreach a week or so after the 1st influx of artificers. It became apparent as time went on thats i'd not listened to my master. Mistake after mistake i made. Training in piercing weapons was no use with my ranged repeater. Not matchings my spells with my rune arm was another. Time passed as i struggled on, failure was more common than success. Often i just sat staring into my ale glass or sitting on the dock of the bay watching the world go by, for days, no, weeks at a time.. Then came the 'Strangeness' when the crack opened up in the habour wall. A man beconed me over as i entered the habour from the market place. Giving me a handful of magic stones he said give these away or use 1 yourself. Deciding against using the magic myself, i did give 3 or 4 away and now have a sweet snow panther called Rizza. I did take up the offer of free re-training but it still did'nt feel right. Questing for rune arms and crossbows became my constant struggle. Though this had some success, like i could now kill and destroy foes with rune arm and spell. Things were better but something was still 'not quite right'. Determined to carry on......

    It was then i met a delightful rogue who like me had struggled with trying to advance in this strange world of Eberron. Together we had much better luck and more importantly a fun well 'crazy' he called it(me)time. The pinnacle of our adventuring was when we fought and defeated not 1 but 2 dragons.( but thats a story told elsewhere).
    The partnership was seemingly short-lived. Not i hasten to add from a 'falling out' or has indeed actually ended. If anything he's got the better deal, now he gets to meet my female friend a HOT drow favoured soul.
    So with much thought and exchanges of farewell and sadness, i left my friend for now anyway.

    Returning to my master with lessons i'd learnt through experience.
    It was the melding of metal and wood,
    the combination with machine and man,
    That had a weak point and that was me Runikz the half elf.
    Just awestruck, whether it be a Dragon flying overhead Stormreach, that glowing character who just zoomed in'n'out of the Pub or that I can drink a Beholder under the table and best of all rescuing Damsels in distress.

    Character. Alivef was 1 x heroic completionist now I need Alchemist (+I have few more heroic pl's) 1 x epic completionist, 1 iconic Shadar Kai x 3. Gnome+Drow x3 racial pl's.
    Server Thelanis x

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default 1st boring bit

    This thread will contain stories and quest lists etc of my 1st TR. Right lets get the 1st boring bit out of the way.
    I have a greater xp tome and 3% airship buff(most of the time so far )but do not use xp pots(again i will use them sometimes). I also may forget a few quest(later on) so this is not an 100% accurate list.
    Some useful info here if anyone is deciding to TR.
    Quest s done.
    Not even 2 weeks yet .Now level 9 with banked xp over lev 10 now upto a 79 elite bravery streak. just got Voice of the master so nice 5% bonus if i remember to put it on.
    I cannot believe how easy its been, most solo no hire(just as quick not grouped for most quests of this level anyway). I will have to put up LFM's more from now on. Must remember to farm quests that i can run quick.
    Level 17 now, managed an elite streak of 91 that ended way back when i got to level 11 quests, only 1 million more xp to go.
    It was nice to join up with my rogue friend to help him withhis final push to lev 20
    Last edited by SlowDM; 12-24-2012 at 06:19 AM.
    Just awestruck, whether it be a Dragon flying overhead Stormreach, that glowing character who just zoomed in'n'out of the Pub or that I can drink a Beholder under the table and best of all rescuing Damsels in distress.

    Character. Alivef was 1 x heroic completionist now I need Alchemist (+I have few more heroic pl's) 1 x epic completionist, 1 iconic Shadar Kai x 3. Gnome+Drow x3 racial pl's.
    Server Thelanis x

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default D+D, Metal and Wood , Machine and Man Pt 2

    Turmoil, doubt and fitting in, is a struggle a lot of half-s have. Some have it from birth, others experience it as they grow up, while still more have no problems at all. Luckily i was blessed with a personality and have been accepted where-ever i've been. Well that or i love a good argument and have a talent for seeing 'both sides of the story'.

    Fo a month now i've read many books, in house Jurasco and Cannith especialy. Having the power to heal others at times is something i've treasured. Finally being able to restore life to the vanquished gave me a lot of satisfaction and most importantly made me 'feel good'. The opposite is true of healing myself, problems and death were often the result. Then there's my trusty side kick, Brucie the mechanical canine. Our life adventuring together was excellent for a long time. As the months went by how-ever i became less attached and caring to him. Was there a hint of jealousy, 'how can he take so much punishment from spell and sword' 'how come i'm dead and he's not'. The recurring thought surfaced time and time again Machine and Man, Machine and Man.

    I'd seen other's in action. Favoured soul 'fits the bill'. The power of spells and healing in abundance, how easily they were accepted by strangers when help was needed, came foremost in my thoughts. My mind was in turmoil, i'd had enough of this life. Yes there were things i could still do but again nothing quite fitted. With all my reading and questions asked of adventurers more knowledgeable than me. I was still faced with a difficult decision.

    Conflict does'nt just entail fighting. The conflict between man and machine is what has plagued me for many months. Do i give up my Artificer life, or even give up the my birth-hood as a half elf. Will that mean my ideals and personality alter. Changes for better is good but i fear the worst. Will my friends still talk to me, more importantly will they recognise me for who i am not what i've become.
    The choice has to made but what?
    Just awestruck, whether it be a Dragon flying overhead Stormreach, that glowing character who just zoomed in'n'out of the Pub or that I can drink a Beholder under the table and best of all rescuing Damsels in distress.

    Character. Alivef was 1 x heroic completionist now I need Alchemist (+I have few more heroic pl's) 1 x epic completionist, 1 iconic Shadar Kai x 3. Gnome+Drow x3 racial pl's.
    Server Thelanis x

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