So I bought this class 25% off, but i'm not sure how it should go for the startup.
I figured i'd make it a caster. Mainly because earthquake just looks badass.
So I figured wis would be the main stat. But i'm not sure if I should start it at 18 or not.
Are their any other stats needed? I know for a sorc or wiz it's pretty stright forward. Max cha/int and then the rest in con.
But the druid as ive heard seems to be different. It relys somewhat on melee as well even with a casting build. So should I go 18 wis 16 con 14 str? Or maybe just a even split of 16 str 16 con and 16 wis?
I can't see int being needed, what about dex? Are druids a 2 hander class or are they more a 2 weapon class in those animal forms?
Anyone know of an array of builds created and tested out on the forums? Ive googled about, but couldn't find anything aside from the speculation, and a few disappointing reviews about druids not being so grand in melee.