Anyone have confirmation that the Druid past life increases the stats of the Arty dog? I thought it probably did but I thought the same thing about the grand summoner which didn't work.
Anyone have confirmation that the Druid past life increases the stats of the Arty dog? I thought it probably did but I thought the same thing about the grand summoner which didn't work.
I can't see a reason why it wouldn't work. It has the same wording as Augment Summons feat, which definitely does work.
By its description, Grand Summoner probably wouldn't work: It states it only affects summons, and the Artificer pet isn't a summons. (Although it might work with the action point iron defender.)
I would like to know as well. I am planning on running a few Druid lifes and if it works for the Arty Dog it should also work for the Druid's Dog.
Whenever I summon my arti dog he has the druid pastlife buff on him from my druid pastlife.
Never tested if it actually did anything, but there you go.
Thelanis -- Wulverine + [Funkaholic, Funkatronic, Funkarific]
There was a thread on this some time ago where someone said that it did work and stacked with augment summoning. No idea where that went, but there you go.
Haven't yet made it back to an arti life, finishing my third druid one now. I can confirm the stats stack on druid dogs between the past life and augment summon (which i took at like 4 specifically to check the stats before and after). I've seen the druid past life shop up on an arti dog ingame, it was actually what inspired me to give druid a serious try to begin with.