Hello DDO Brethren and Sistren,
...Nuthing to see here. Move on.
Orien: Zizie, Zeelee, Zeeny, Zeety, Zeleste, Zeeby
shhh.... fight club
It is to compensate for the Aura not activating and taking 1 charge.
I've become convinced to keep quiet about this or any other player-beneficial stealth buffs until the major party-healing healing bug is fixed. I was skeptical myself, but now fully embrace the conspiracy that anything beneficial to players receives a *much* higher priority of fixing than anything that ruins the gameplay experience.
Until they start giving the same priority to detrimental-to-players bugs that make things unplayable, unable to be completed, or cause irrevocable loss of hard earned xp, plat, flags, skills, feats, other resources, etc, I refuse to report any beneficial bugs I find either. If they want to find those, they'll have to play test the game more intensely...and perhaps see just how bad the detrimental bugs are and put a hurry on those fixes too...since they make it harder for them to find the beneficial bugs.
And just think, the less TOTAL bugs you have, the easier it is to find and fix new ones. Ensuring all the code works properly in the first place before adding new code to it makes troubleshooting MUCH easier, more efficient, and more cost effective to the company.
But I won't hold my breath. I'll just keep playing through the bugs and enjoying the rare benefit that happens to crop up and assume it's working as intended since they released it live that way...