There are a few threads going, complaining about quest experience. But, the experience grind should be part of the game at some point, so I disagree with making leveling 1 to 20 easier than it already is, especially since we were given a huge push with bravery and streaks.
I'd like to suggest that quest experience scale with the actual difficulty of the quest, and scale with the number of objectives. A lot of long and difficult quests have the same experience as those that might be a lot lower level or simply same-level simpler quests, which it totally illogical. The effort put into a quest should translate to the amount of experience a character acquires, just like real D&D.
For example, I was just running Blown to Bits, and the total experience upon entering was over 15,000 with bravery and streak. That is LESS than elite Coalescence Chamber, which is a level 16 quest. Elite "the Riddle" was less than 13,000 experience, and it was more difficult and a higher level than anything in the Vale.
Each quest objective could add an additional 1~5% experience, similar to optional objectives. While the quest length, short to long, should determine base experience.
I am not suggesting the leveling process be easier, just that the total experience at level 20 should be balanced with the effort put into it by scaling quest difficulties in a more logical manner.