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  1. #1

    Default The High Road Journals

    I have been wandering around the new wilderness area but have been unable to find Journal 7,9, and 11. Can anyone help out with where these are?

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  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Default Journal Locations (Possible Spoilers)

    I've found all of them now:

    1 - Roof of Old Man Inn (hop up on the porch in the back to reach the roof).

    2 - There's a log just north of the Swamp Dungeon - cross it, journal's on the other side.

    3 - There are three buildings near the ruined castle - it's at the base of the wall of one of them.

    4 - At the ruined fort in the north, follow the path around toward the waterfall and it's on the ground.

    5 - In a pumpkin patch near three houses near the village.

    6 - Turn right when you first enter the High Road - it's on the riverbank in plain view.

    7 - You need a two-part rare encounter involving Yuan-Ti. Kill the ones on the surface and use the bowl to enter the underground. When you exit the underground, you'll be in an otherwise inaccessible area near the Blood Wood and the journal will be in front of you.

    8 - Near the entrance to Detour, head north and hug the trees to find a small clearing - it's on the ground.

    9 - Just before you turn left to go into the ruined fort, look right. There's a small path of rocks leading down toward the waterfall. It's at the end of the path.

    10 - In the ruined fort, climb the stairs to the ruined building, it's inside to your left.

    11 - From the village, climb the hill leading to the ruined fort. Halfway up you will face a large rock outcropping. The journal is on the far side of the rock outcropping.

    12 - On roof of the building south of where you find Journal 1.
    Last edited by Texlaw1992; 10-14-2012 at 07:04 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Jan 2011


    I don't like the idea of tying explorer points to rare spawns like #7. If they keep the explorer point there, they should really add some way to get to it without needing the rare spawn to appear, unless the rare spawn is actually a guaranteed rare.

  4. #4


    Thanks for the info. It is very helpful.

    I agree. Sticking explorers onto rare encounters is lame. They should remain separate.
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  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Default Found Journal 9

    Edited my post 2 above with the location. Hope it helps.

  6. #6
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    mm and they all registered for you?

    I found #1 off to the right near the river not far from entrance, text came up but never registered. bugged. (oddly sounds like a diferent spot then you found yours)

    And these are really hard to find, many are well hidden. Fully explored the area a few times and got most of the rares,yet I only have 3 (or just 2 that registered).

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Dec 2009

    Default Journals

    The list is in order of the number of the journals - journal 6 is just to the right of the entrance as noted.

    All of them registered - if it was your first time on the High Road, you may want to try logging out and logging back in. I had the same problem with the early rares (all now registered although I didn't get the completion bonus). The thread about the werewolf quest has the complete list of rares.

    Good luck with the journals - I only just now got the journal 7 quest a second time, it shows up only rarely (which is not a good programming move).

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