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In general, the first of either enhancement lines are stronger than the 2nd through 6th (or 7th in the spell power line)...it also depends on how much spell power and crit stuff you already have. So there is no single enhancement type that is guaranteed stronger for everyone.
For example, let's take a water savant with 6 tiers of the ice spell power enhancements, and nothing at all (gear or enhancement) for crits. Then crunch a few numbers to see when the 7th spell power enhancement (+10 spell power) is even with the first crit range enhancement (+4%, 1.5 multiplier). Essentially, when you have the first crit range enhancement, you will get half an extra spell's worth of damage, 4% of the time. So, out of 100 casts, you will, on average, see about a 2% increase in your overall damage. For +10 spell power to be a 2% increase in your damage, you need to already have 400 spell power from other sources (the first six tiers of the enhancements, metamagics, gear, etc). So if you already have 400 spell power on your spells, the 7th (or 2nd, or 3rd, or so on) spell power enhancement breaks even with the first critical enhancement. If you have more spell power, it's weaker, and less spell power, it's stronger than the crits.
But if you have a superior ice lore item (+12% crit chance and +.5 to multiplier) and compare the same enhancements, it's different. Now, every 100 casts, without any enhancements, on average you'll get an extra spell's worth of damage on 12 of them. The crit range enhancement will make it 16 of those casts out of each 100 instead. So the crit range enhancement adds 4/112 (simplifies to 1/28) to your damage. For 10 spell power to add 1/28 to your stuff, you need to have 180 spell power from other sources...if you have more, the first crit range enhancement is stronger.
But then, take the above example...once you take the first crit range enhancement, the second only adds 1/116 to your damage, meaning that it is only stronger than the spell power enhancement if you already have 1060 spell power...which you probably do not.
TLDR, for most people, it's best to take 7 enhancements in spell power, 1 in crit range, and 1 in crit multiplier, if you're tight on enhancement points, though I can't say for sure until I know your spell power/crit without enhancements (and how many points you want to spend altogether)