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  1. #1
    Community Member Lighti's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Tavern Food & Drinks

    With people now haveing 4700 sp and over 1000 hp, how about we get some new food and drinks for in the tavern that will fill our whole bar up.

  2. #2
    Community Member Brennie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Or better yet, tavern food that instantly: Heals all damage, refills all spellpoints, cures all ailments, refreshes all clickies/per-rest abilities, and otherwise acts as a full refresh similar but more powerful than* exiting out of a completed dungeons. Cause lets face it, sitting in a tavern for 2 minutes (Or longer, if one food item doesn't fix you) is downright ridiculous in a game that tries its best to do away with non-quest timesinks. Tavern food and regen is a relic from the days when dying caused XP loss, when curses lasted forever, when players had to spend considerable downtime between quests restocking, repairing, and getting hp/sp back.

    *more powerful in the sense that it would refresh all per-rest items/abilities instead of just one, and would actually cure all lingering ailments, unlike finishing out of a dungeon.

    Please note - I realize taverns are a staple of DnD, and my suggestions would reduce tavern traffic by a lot. I appreciate their lore value, but from a gameplay mechanics standpoint the way taverns/tavern areas work is complete rubbish. Lets face it - hanging out in a tavern area waiting for your spell absorption item to get back to full, while you SP bar slooooowly tics upwards is *not fun*. It is also not conducive to teaming, since forcing 5 or 11 other people to wait around while you fill up is just... well, not cool.

    Alternately, I'd like to see tavern ticks sped up (One every 30 seconds perhaps, rather than two minutes), and have them replace ALL per-rest abilities, hps, and spellpoints in one fell swoop. 30 seconds in a tavern area, and you're ready to go questing! No more waiting! Meanwhile, have tavern food do something else entirely, like temporary (60 minute?) max HP increase or low-powered heal over time that lasts through entering quests and shrining, similarly to ship buffs. Drinks could offer temporary max SP increase, as SP regen might be too powerful even at low numerical values.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    This was suggested more than once, already. And I agree /signed.

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Most definitely /signed.

  5. #5
    Community Member varusso's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010


    I seem to recall recently a Turbie mentioning that Tavern food/drink is becoming more effective, as is tavern regen and city regen.

    Edit: Found it in the release notes, applies only to low-rank food/drink apparently.

    So yeah, give us better grog n grub!

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