DDO is just too awesome!
DDO is just too awesome!
Server: Cannith
Mains: Miahoo, Miahoorog, Miahoohealer, Miahoohjeal, Miahoopuke
DDO Is so awesome we see you on for 2 hours every 2-3 weeks
Officer Of Templar - Now Recruiting
KennyBurns - Electric Savant DPS~ KennyFails The Completionist - Rogue Stick Life 15/15 Completionist ~ KennyHeals - Fvs Healer~ KennyRanges - TWF Manyshoot Of Cannith
GW2 is a completely different game. I do miss a lot of things from DDO like disabling traps, in game voice chat, guild airships, etc. but I'll be playing GW2 for a while.
If anyone else from Cannith plays GW2, make sure you go to the Crystal Desert (US) server.
I like the GW2 game, as a result i spend most of my days there.
The community doesnt seem to shabby either. How about that.
Pyreal af Templar
Revolutionary game. And I've found you really should go medium/large guild for full benefits and learning the game quicker than solo'ing and following the GW2 forums. I'm on Yak's Bend so any Cannither's, add me...Purge.
Guild Leader of "GODS - Guardians Of the Dragon Sanctuary" on Cannith --- My Characters: Zavarthak (20 Barbarian Frenzied/Ravager DPS - MAIN), Ryumajin (Warlock,), Leohands (Evocation FVS firstlife), Galvano (Paladin TWF). - If you like or find useful my posts, consider adding reputation.
I have left ddo as of about two days ago after playing for nearly 3 years practically every night all night long. I have been exploring other options and have yet to be able to purchase gw2 but have been experimenting with everything else. DDO has certainly been a unique experience and one that will not be had by any other MMO but the false hope that by leveling and grinding this game will somehow get better has been lost and the realization has now sunk in. There is no purpose. No gold at the end of a rainbow. This certainly could be said of any other game but the journey to come to this realization through this game has been far more costly then I would expect by going anywhere else. Not just in terms of finances but emotionally and spiritually. How ridiculous is that? I have allowed a game and its community of trolls to break me. So I guess that's it for me. Now my wallet and I will go spend our time playing a game and having some fun. Later.
DDO was a fun game and still is to those who are still playing it. It really taught me a lot about selecting the right party members for successful raids and quests but with that came a great deal of stress and often times waiting around doing practically nothing instead of doing something productive.
I am pleased to say that Guild Wars 2 on the other hand is not as stressful. O sure, you can still get into plenty of arguments with other players but these are for the most part trivial. I've been having lots of fun in world vs world battles fighting enemy players from other servers and such. In this game, you are fighting for your server. At this time, you have the option of hopping from server to server for free but soon they could charge you to switch servers.
The leveling in GW2 is rather straightforward and there are many ways to gain experience.
Also, very key, there is no dungeon scaling based on party size. A+! We all hate dungeon scaling in DDO!
Moreover, most quests in the game can be soloed and for the toughest quests you might need a group of 5 at most. I hear talk of them adding raids to the game in the future but that remains to be seen.
OK before this turns into another long GW2 review I'll just say hope to see you there on the Crystal Desert server if you decide to give it a try.
Ah yes, young love. So tender. So Sweet. So temporary. Everything is GW2 will be great, until you notice that one little thing. Then you will notice more. Then you will know if the love will really last, or if it was just infatuation.
The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.
Dee Hock
(The leveling in GW2 is rather straightforward and there are many ways to gain experience.)
Same as here
(We all hate dungeon scaling in DDO!) I hope as in "we" you have a mouse in your pocket and you are speaking for you both. I know many like myself that understand the mechanic and like scaling.
(Moreover, most quests in the game can be soloed and for the toughest quests you might need a group of 5 at most. I hear talk of them adding raids to the game in the future but that remains to be seen.)
Sounds like here most can be solo completed and for the toughest you need a group. But odd I find people playing an MMO and stressing that solo play is ideal, cracks me up everytime.
GW2, despite the name, is a solo game based.
Most of the stuff you can do solo, some of them u forced to do solo, and in many many cases you just wish for a random to stop by and help. (Other than dungeons which u mostly pug up with randoms).
DDO is a group/party based game. Sure u can solo, but the game build for groups and parties to function together. Each player/character has a role to fill. Unlike GW2 which anyone can do everything.
Some people like GW2 idea, some like DDO idea more.
Server: Cannith
Mains: Miahoo, Miahoorog, Miahoohealer, Miahoohjeal, Miahoopuke
This is too true.
the whole "guild wars" name/idea shot themselves in the foot really. The benefit i get from being in a large guild is during guild-run World vs World. Which is cool, but the name of the game "Guild Wars" is so misleading it's llike might as well be solo vs environment. "Guild Wars X" there is nothing about this game that involves some kind of guild vs guild combat. NOTHING at all. The closest is World v World but that's not even there.. **** on a christ stick, but it is a really good game, PvE, really tremendously remarkable and, yes revolutionary.
well my time is past 24 hours of wake. must sleep and die for a long time. have fun storming the castle.
Guildwars 2 as a RPG has an open game world. DDO a slideshow if loading screens.
Guildwars 2 as a RPG has no lag. DDO has a 5-10 minimun lag policy at any given moment.
Guildwars 2 servers doesn´t radomly drop people. DDO has for years, its a Turbine trademark.
Why would you choose DDO as a RPG?
Personally i´d choose NWN any day.
Pyreal af Templar
If you are playing, you agree with: http://www.turbine.com/en/content/du...ense-agreement and http://www.turbine.com/en/content/du...ode-conduct-en