This is as bad as ever. Please fix this.
This is as bad as ever. Please fix this.
get rid of facing for spells!
Khyber: Pinel / Laerak / Sibeli / Kaeral / Gilmara - Crafter
Please don't. It's the only thing keeping me from getting DPs to the face on my poor rogue, when going against red-name casters.
Cannith, Slicing Blow. Vilenna (18/1/1 Clonkard), Marvala (20 monk), Phrenia (19/1 rogue/fighter), Malchara (12/6/2 AA), Denaria (18/2 ...wonk?)
of course as you are not getting lots of spell failure due to lag...
Khyber: Pinel / Laerak / Sibeli / Kaeral / Gilmara - Crafter
My favorite is that I waste SP and get on cooldown only to see "You are not facing."
Cannith, Slicing Blow. Vilenna (18/1/1 Clonkard), Marvala (20 monk), Phrenia (19/1 rogue/fighter), Malchara (12/6/2 AA), Denaria (18/2 ...wonk?)
Right, and it's clearly the targeting that is fubar as spells (mostly*) hit just fine if you don't use a hard target.
*Ignoring the strange quantum tunneling effect of casters/archers which decide to move just as you cast an AOE.
They seldom get hit despite clearly being within the AOE. The game seems to treat them as arriving at their
destination instantaneously.
BTW, I fully expect this to get the 'ignored by a dev' treatment just like the CL/MCL debacle that's been going on
for 18 months plus. I can honestly say this bug (coupled with phantom damage avoidance alluded to above) is
the most serious thing affecting my enjoyment of the game at the moment. If this is not fixed, and the Reconstruct
changes go ahead as they are now, I'm going to struggle to even play this game as a Premium player.
Don't fix breakables, fix bugs which are preventing your paying players from enjoying the game. Thanks.
Probably not, seeing as how the mass hold worked on them in the first place.
Though who knows. Strange things happen. Like with wolves, and how you can't shoot them reliably even though they're attacking your face. Not a problem with lions. Or zombies. Or bears. Just wolves. #$(*#& wolves.
Cannith, Slicing Blow. Vilenna (18/1/1 Clonkard), Marvala (20 monk), Phrenia (19/1 rogue/fighter), Malchara (12/6/2 AA), Denaria (18/2 ...wonk?)
Any dev comment? no?
You know, I really wish they'd get rid of the facing mech for touch spells, if not ranged ones. But then there are lots of cool things they could do for touch spells.
Bogenbroom's legion... 102 characters, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.
You know there is no facing in PnP? I know this is not pnp... but... you know also pnp doesn't have LAG... most serious problem to facing is lag... if that lag could remain below 100 ms... facing would be a cool feature... but with lag spiking to 3000 ms at times... (under normal server stress / dont even taking mabar into consideration) well it's just not right for me to lose my sp, have my spell on cooldown then get killed when I clearly killed that thing first
Khyber: Pinel / Laerak / Sibeli / Kaeral / Gilmara - Crafter