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    Community Member licho's Avatar
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    Jan 2011

    Default Peticion: Increase base xp from this quests

    This topic i would like to dedicate to suggestion which quests should be buffed in base xp and how much.

    The reasoning behind:
    - Mostly is because some quests take a long time to finish and/or are hard to complete, however there is not much reward for it. In the same time there exist other quests with much better reward, which leads players to farm a couple fo good quests skipping poor xp one.

    Why to improve content, when you can nerf players insteed?

    Aka why to buff xp in lacklusters when you can just cut xp from good quests?
    In fact i dont mind some cuts here and there, expecially in quests which are mostly run with the devils to the end killing/wailing everything without a though. However... its really not a right time.
    We need like 6 more packs for level 15-19, and i suppose 4 more from 4 to 15 to round things up, and another 6 from level 20-25 as well. And considering that devs are currently in fill the ED xp gap state it aint gonna hapen in next 3 years. But xp buff can happen now.

    In request to xp improve tell:
    - Name of quest
    - Current elite base xp
    - Desired elite base xp
    - Other optional rewards.
    - Some reasoning is welcome, however it may often end with "it takes forever to run" so not required.

    The request may concern quests at any level, even the lv1 one.

    Its enought if only elite values will be presented, since other will be proportional, and the difference between normal-elite is not so big, which probably deserves another topic but not here, not now.

    As the general rule:
    More often the required step - objective could provide some xp as well. This way even if you fail at the boss fight you still get some xp from being just one step from victory. DDO have to much of "all or nothing".

    The late game quests should give more xp than low level just since they are late game, most often they are little harder by default. And there is a scaling in xp needed. This will also motivate people to run late game content rather than bank-cap with vale.

    There is probably a good option to increase the xp diversity between normal and elite. Now its like 10% or less. I think it should be more like 20%.
    However this change may wait.
    Short term solution may be introduction a difficulty xp bonus on every run equal to -/-/10%/20%. So farming on elite will be more rewarding than doing so on normal or hard. If people need to farm, make them to run elite like the real heroes.

    To begin with:
    Hold for Reinforcements
    4500xp from 855xp
    Reason: Do i need to explain anything? Im scared to think that everything in this quests is just to troll players, from squishy coyle, to boring stand in point fight, to horrible xp.
    Anyway its set up 15 min, and being able to reach 1k/1min xp at 1st time is not much to ask.

    Sacred Helm 2500xp from 1500xp.
    Note: While this quest is not exacly hard, its medicorate long.
    Also the slay 10 shamans objective should give like 30% instead of just 10% since it requires more time to hunt them all than just run to the end.

    Druid Deep chain
    Why quests itself are not so long (Curse kinda is) they take some time. I think they are not so easy as well. So some bump here is desired:
    Outbreak: 4k from 2,430
    Overgrowth: 4100 from 3086
    Throrn: 4500 from 3366
    Druid Curse: 7200 from 5200
    (the last one is quite long and the final fight is a little harder)

    The Troglodytes' Get 2500 xp from 1200xp

    Proof is in the Poison 5k from 3k xp
    Note: This quest have stigma of "the hard one", and imho it still have some spice in it. Also is quite complicated (a lot to run around). IMO it should give much more than brainless run of Ringleader or InfoKey.

    Taming the Flames 4k from 2k xp
    Note: Another quests with Hard Stigma. No matter how much trivalized with power creep and ship buffs still is quite long.
    Good that have lots of bonus xp, but whats the point if base is rather low.

    Servants of the Overlord 9k from 7k
    Note: While xp is not horrible, the quest imho is really long and in many places very hard.
    Also the epic version xp should be more like 40k base.

    Raid the Vulkoorim 3300xp from 2300xp
    Note: This quest is at the end of the world, and it takes some time to explore all corridords.
    Not exacly hard, but no shrine here which may add difficulty.
    Also slaying the gnoll party should be worth much more (like 20%) since it calls for explore 1od3 corridors.

    Reign of Madness
    Lord of Stone:

    a) killing each miniboss gives 10% xp bonus
    b) Add optional objective:
    Prove your superiority over Orlassk servants 50 (10%)
    Prove your superiority over remaining Orlassk Servants 100 (20%)
    Note: Why this quest is fine when stealthy, is smbd like the noise there should be more of reward for kill them all.

    Acute Delirium
    Base 5400 from 4468
    Add: Build a Airship! (20%)
    Note: Surviving the render ambush is lot of fun.

    In The Flesh
    Survive the artistic onslaught (5%)
    Slay Alive Pykzyl (10%)
    Access Yaulthoons Private Wing (5%)
    Survive this season's latest fleshcrafted fashions (10%)
    Note: Just to make it more step by step progress. The final fight is elite, and some groups fail it, so spreading some xp before may be good idea to cheer up in defeat.

    Secrets of the Artificer
    All of the flag quests are quite long and hard, as well as is late game with top xp required. But the xp is worse than in lv 13 quests. Whats the point?

    Blow to bits: 5100 from 3800
    Power Play 8000 from 4800
    Schemes of the enemy 7500 from 4400

    Devils of Shavarath
    Weapon Shipment 7400 from 3700xp
    Wrath of Flame 5000 from 2500xp
    New Invasion: 15000 from 10000xp (this one takes really long, and random long)
    Bation of Power 9000 from 5500xp
    Genesis Point 15000 from 10k xp
    Sins of Attrition 10750xp from 7500 xp

    Acid Wit 6500 from 4500
    Note: This one is actually quite long even if not very hard.

    In the Deamon Den 7000 from 4500xp
    Note: This is actually hard quest, unfortunetly not well know from good reasons.

    Gladewatch Outpost Defense 4k from 1800xp
    Additionally counter apears:
    Slay 25 enemies 5%
    Slay 75 enemies 15%
    Slay 150 Enemies 25%
    Slay 300 enemies 50%
    Kill Ogre 5%
    Note: Its another long boring quest, when you stay in place and just wait for mobs to spawn, which will never happen, and additionally you have a Coyle in shirt who dont know her place. So good she at least wear armor.

    The Black Loch 3000xp from 1,8k
    5% for acquiring for opening each gate with a key.
    Long quest, with dump enemies. Some of them seems to hit hard.

    Delera side quests
    The Keeper's Sanctuary 3k from 1700xp
    Valak's Mausoleum 3k from 1800xp

    Suggestions of others:

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post

    Restless Isles - Double the XP Totals of Slavers and Ghola-Fan - They still won't be popular quests but may actually get groups from time to time.
    Add the Named Spectre to the Rare List - He can remain a perma-spawn - and Double the XP per rare and for completion of the four.
    Double the XP for Explorer Completion.
    Double the XP for Kills
    Fantastic slayer {in my opinion} though it does need a usable map BUT the XP for it is abysmal.

    Threnal - Add the Giant Caves and The Arena to the Compendium - Give them 2/4/6 House P Favour {15 for The Arena on Completion}.
    Add Explorer Pts and 3 Rares.
    Slayer total - 400.

    Apart from Hold for Reinforcements the XP for the Chain isn't bad - The main issue is the under-developed and abandoned Wilderness.

    Faithful Departed - Wilderness again:
    Add 400 Slayer
    Add 8 Explorers
    Add 4 Rares
    Obviously this would require a re-mapped Shrouded Vale BUT this would be a nice bonus.

    Relic and Made to Order - Black Anvil Mines - Another Wilderness:
    Essentially the same as Shrouded Vale.

    STK - Steam Tunnels - Slayer:
    Add 2 Rares and 4 Explorer Pts - Max Slayer 200.
    Small XP boost for a pack that really requires a massive LOOT Boost But better than nothing.
    Maybe add a small chance for Ring of Feathers to drop from the rares.

    Im looking forward for feedback about 3bc, Threnal, Restless Isles... never really get into them.
    Last edited by licho; 10-12-2012 at 02:09 PM.

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