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  1. #41
    The Hatchery Syllph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by knockcocker View Post

    Reconstruct has la narrower scope than heal and is not able to be boosted by feats or amplification. Why does it
    need to be nerf'ed? Moving from USP (assume 68) to a specialist stick (say 120) nets you +52 spellpower or about
    39 extra HP of healing. Still think it's worth it?

    Currently 123 spellpower gets you 334 points of healing. This drops to 242.
    And last I checked on my caster my PRR was sitting next to none, which meant that Epic Elite mobs were hitting me through 150% fort for ~200 a hit. At 242 I need to heal every hit. That's just.... (nerd-rage)

    Seriously, this is a premium class, it's supposed to have advantages others don't (or it would be a f2p class yeah?) You've removed the immunities. You've removed the immunity to earthgrab, You've nerfed Repair. So now I can't heal well and I'm immune to exhaustion. yay. (I don't include immunity to level drain because everyone in epic levels has immunity to level drain via spells/clickies)
    Last edited by Syllph; 10-11-2012 at 04:57 PM.

  2. #42
    Community Member mutilador's Avatar
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    Thx Turbine for finally make one last stupid change to make me quit this ****ing game. Thank You.

  3. #43
    Community Member Xezrak's Avatar
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    Is this change going to be implemented? Confirmation by the devs in either direction would be fantastic.

    On the bright side there will be A LOT less WF running around FR personally really don't like the look of WF, but this also means I will be TRing out of my WF sorc into a fleshy melee sooner
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  4. #44
    Hero knockcocker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xezrak View Post
    Is this change going to be implemented? Confirmation by the devs in either direction would be fantastic.

    On the bright side there will be A LOT less WF running around FR personally really don't like the look of WF, but this also means I will be TRing out of my WF sorc into a fleshy melee sooner
    They need to do Race based LR when pulling BS like this (coupled with the change to immunities). I'd prefer to be
    human now as they make better sorcerers anyway plus healing amp would make scroll healing hit for more than
    Reconstruct will...

    In fact, the only way to get comparable Reconstruct is to drop 7 AP into the Repair line and use a 120 Reconstruction
    spellpower stick (should hit for ~337 assuming +15 implement and Fey Form twisted). It's probably better to spend
    those AP on Healers Friend, pick up some healing amp and use Heal scrolls. Also frees up a L6 slot which are
    notoriously tight.

  5. #45
    Community Member LafoMamone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taurean430 View Post

    It looks to me like the actual intent is to remove one of the pedestals that wf casters have to stand upon, in effect bringing them closer to glass cannon status
    What Turbine doesn't realize is that this is completely unnecessary. I couldn't help but notice a constant decline of WF sorcs/wizards on my server, as people are constantly pursuing higher DC toons. I see more fleshy sorcs now than I ever have on Sarlona. This problem was also exacerbated by WF no longer being immune to poison, disease, earthgrab, etc.

    Nerfing recon will not remove just *one* of the pedestals that WF casters have to stand upon, it will remove the very last slimmer of hope that WF casters have at maintaining any sort of competitive presence in this game.

    WF melees have already been completely eradicated by Horcs. If Turbine goes through with this incredibly silly change, WF casters will suffer a similar fate.

  6. #46
    Community Member DeafeningWhisper's Avatar
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    My human arty that had to invest heavely into the repair line and use a repair item to use Construct Essence with some effectiveness, now that somewhat decent enough feat is complete garbage...
    "Pike or do not. There is no lag."

  7. #47
    Community Member's Avatar
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    I don't like WF.

    But one has to wonder: since the once favorite race of the Devs has been consistently demoted... are we to see a new paid race coming up soon?

    I vote for Mindflayer. Please.

    Carry on.
    ~ Gaeryus (Sor9/Wiz7/Fvs4) Firebrand ~ ~ Phlegma (12Fgt/6Rog/2Pal)(L13)(eTR2) van Moyst ~
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  8. #48
    Community Member ZeebaNeighba's Avatar
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    So...first they get their immunities removed, and accidentally bork healer's friend. Then the price jacked up by like 200 (?) points. Then reconstruct will get nerfed. What's next, they get a -20 penalty to their constitution?

  9. #49
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    The whole healing amp, repair amp is an annoying problem.

    Fix the system... make Healing amp apply to incoming repair.

    Change the skills for heal and repair to apply a 1% per point invested.

    I see this repair nerf as a final nail in my WF coffin, first melee WF now blue bar WF..

    WF are now susceptible to poison disease.. Repair doesnt get rid of poison or disease, but Heal does.

    Was Repair changed to fix disease/poison.. no , were there more repair amp items shown in lamaland, no.

    The constant nerfing of WF without giving something to offset the nerf is killing the race, a race I paid for that had immunities, not the nerfed version i have now.
    Last edited by JOTMON; 10-13-2012 at 04:46 PM.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
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  10. #50
    Community Member ZeebaNeighba's Avatar
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    Actually, on the bright side, the u16 release notes say Warforged can finally get the effects of Spellsong Vigor. It's something...better late than never

  11. #51
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Warforged were somewhere between a flavor choice and a very, very unideal choice before this change for bards, rogues, fighters, barbarians, monks, rangers, paladins, druids, wizard, cleric and favored soul.

    Now, they are probably not even the ideal choice for the last bastion of ideality that they had: sorc, wizard and artificer.

  12. #52
    Community Member GrampaBill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xezrak View Post
    Is this change going to be implemented? Confirmation by the devs in either direction would be fantastic.
    Of course it will be implemented. Unless there is a gigantic stink made about it then someone will actually look and investigate and realize it's a mistake. Good luck to us all.
    Dec 21, 2011: Regarding signature errors like the one to the left:
    Quote Originally Posted by droipamine View Post
    I imagine we'll be looking at this very soon.

  13. #53
    Community Member GrampaBill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    Maybe the Enhancement pass will bring some Repair Amp line?
    We all need to stop hoping and wishing that the enhancement pass will fix anything or everything. It's not going to be implemented in 2012 and in all likelihood it will be summer of 2013 before we see it.
    Dec 21, 2011: Regarding signature errors like the one to the left:
    Quote Originally Posted by droipamine View Post
    I imagine we'll be looking at this very soon.

  14. #54
    Community Member Lycurgus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrampaBill View Post
    Of course it will be implemented. Unless there is a gigantic stink made about it then someone will actually look and investigate and realize it's a mistake. Good luck to us all.
    Unfortunately, I doubt there are enough WF casters left in the game to make a gigantic stink. And that's a large part of the problem. There are ALEADY enough penalties to being WF which is why WF casting is ALREADY reduced to a flavor choice. One less feat than human, 2 int behind drow, 6 starting cha, no +3 int/cha docent, racial immunities reduced to irrelevance, and existing healing penalties make WF suboptimal in every regard except survivability in the face of burst damage.

    If they're going to bork that, they need to refund every player who paid for the damned race.

  15. #55
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    well, you wouldn't have the issue of taking double penalty for the reconstruct.

    But you'd have just as much reason to play a WF arti as you would a WF wiz/sorc.
    I thinking more along the lines of if I'm not going to max out my reconstruct lines, and I'm going to rely on heal scrolls for the majority of my healing, what advantage do I really get from playing a WF after L15 or so?

    Sure I can use repair spells on myself initally, but with reconstruct halved, I'd probably get more value out of playing another race in the long run.

    This will definitely affect is my weekly static group that is comprised of all WF (well 5 WF and a fleshie). Fortunately we are about to cap so we may just TR.

  16. #56
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LafoMamone
    What Turbine doesn't realize is that this is completely unnecessary. I couldn't help but notice a constant decline of WF sorcs/wizards on my server, as people are constantly pursuing higher DC toons. I see more fleshy sorcs now than I ever have on Sarlona. This problem was also exacerbated by WF no longer being immune to poison, disease, earthgrab, etc.

    Nerfing recon will not remove just *one* of the pedestals that WF casters have to stand upon, it will remove the very last slimmer of hope that WF casters have at maintaining any sort of competitive presence in this game.

    WF melees have already been completely eradicated by Horcs. If Turbine goes through with this incredibly silly change, WF casters will suffer a similar fate.
    I think the trick is that, no disrespect to taurean430, there is no intent/reason in the way we understand it.

    If Turbine's changes had reasons, no change this stupid would happen.
    Changes this stupid have happened, are happening, and will continue to happen.
    Ergo, their changes don't have reasons.

    They just don't care. That's the mindset you have to put yourself in, not the mindset of a person who is actually trying to bring about some kind of change in gameplay, population, economics, etc.

    Turbine just does not care.

  17. #57
    Hero Aashrym's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    I think the trick is that, no disrespect to taurean430, there is no intent/reason in the way we understand it.

    If Turbine's changes had reasons, no change this stupid would happen.
    Changes this stupid have happened, are happening, and will continue to happen.
    Ergo, their changes don't have reasons.

    They just don't care. That's the mindset you have to put yourself in, not the mindset of a person who is actually trying to bring about some kind of change in gameplay, population, economics, etc.

    Turbine just does not care.
    I disagree.

    The changes were made so that other spells could be buffed more easily with higher spell power without going overboard on spells that have high base numbers. An attempt to buff some other spells is a sign they are working towards something positive, whether everyone agrees with those changes or not. IE They demonstrated caring and good intent by providing a solution in the first place.

    In the case of reconstruct I would have hoped that it would continue with full spell power because it's a niche spell to start with and doesn't carry a lot of the benefits also available with heal.

    I can see an argument for limiting caster self healing a bit. Casters do have a lot of advantages and a smaller self heal might be appropriate. Unpopular to some, but appropriate.

    The problem is WF need some work overall and this change doesn't help them one bit, and we're back to reconstruct still being a niche spell to start with.

    I still think the good intentions were obvious and can see the reasoning, regardless of who likes it and who doesn't.
    Last edited by Aashrym; 10-13-2012 at 12:11 AM.

  18. #58
    Community Member ZeebaNeighba's Avatar
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    I have a feeling Turbine just "forgot" about all the other spells getting 100% spell power and no maximize or empower...that they're going for pale masters next, when I think about how Harm, (Lesser) Death Aura, and instakills with saves can't be beefed up with maximize or empower...

  19. #59
    Community Member bibimbap's Avatar
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    Seriously? Please don't do this!

    Please Please Please Please Please Dont!!! Please!!!!!!!!! I have several Tr's I love playing warforged it's my favourite race hell I even have a warforged barbarian PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't!!!!!!!!!!!
    The Madborn - Hagau, Bibimbap, Gamjatang, Osis, Shuumai, Baau - Thelanis

  20. #60
    Community Member Dawnsfire's Avatar
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    I suspect it is the whole 'Glass Cannon' thing. During the Heal 'nerf' discussions, a lot of people people on the anti-nerf side complained using the argument that the most powerful DPS (sorc) and Instakill (wiz) classes could heal themselves just fine as WF and it was unfair that fleshies using either build in heals (fvs + cleric) or scroll healing would be adversely affected.

    We now know (or maybe should have known) that between healing amp and 1/2 spell power they are getting by just fine. I guess it is another lesson learned (or should be learned). Never argue that another race/class has it better, Turbine prefers to nerf people down to another's level. They don't seem to like to raise folks up for matching.

    Since they seem to have no intention of actually reversing this I'll try some psychology. As someone up thread said, the easiest way for Turbine to partially fix this is to allow Healing Amp Gear/enhancements to affect repair spells. Oh and add a racial Healing Amp line to WF. Simple fix, copy and paste the human heal amp line and add repair spells to list of effects magnified.

    Quote Originally Posted by Torc View Post
    I’m only nerfing you now so I can buff you later.

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