Sadly, this change was teased at beta and mentioned again during the divine complaint threads. During both, I was shocked to not see a response by the community in general.
Sadly, this change was teased at beta and mentioned again during the divine complaint threads. During both, I was shocked to not see a response by the community in general.
Khyber: Evandus, Halfdeadd, Licoricewhip, Sawyn, Elkabongg, Brothanumsi, Soulbro, Cromix.
And an army of gimp experiments!
I am also guessing there will be Repair-Amp enhancements in the new System.
If not..well this is a bad change.
Orien: Drache-V36, Merkades-V6 , Askasia-Cleric
So let me get this straight.
My WF that I used to love, that I paid because it had immunities first had 90% of it's immunities taken away.
Next they change earthgrab (which given was kind of needed). And now they want to nerf the recon spell too? What gives?
I'm sorry, but on a WF caster I need that recon spell to function as it does: we have no repair amp, UMD is out of the question for some, and I really can't find any AP that I could move to gain Repair amp if it were added. This is really, really a bad idea.
Why the WF hate?
(Has anyone tested scrolls? Do they only hit for 75?)
And no +3 insight docent.
If you start with the assumption that they're trying to stealth nerf the hell out of WF favored souls and sorcs, a lot of the changes since U14 start making sense. I personally think the designers want casters to be squishy, NOT swinging a greatsword, preferably hiding behind phallic objects and peeking out to pew.
It really may be time to take a break from this game.
Even if it does come with a repair amp line, it doesn't justify it because gear does not equate equally for them.
However, if they had a direct AC/PRR advantage (WARforged after all), being made of denser material, I could see that be a balancing act for it.
That or make healing amplifcation work with ALL types of healing. cureative for fleshies, repair for construct, and negative for undead.
Proud officer of Spellbinders:
The end is nigh! For the WF the holocaust is coming!
Seriously, can we leave the WF's alone please and thank you. We paid real life money for it.
Or kill it completely and offer a refund but don't keep squeezing us out of the character creation page.
Last edited by Sonos; 10-11-2012 at 01:34 PM.
There were several threads with people PLEADING not to do this. Someone mentioned in the (very long and bitter) heal spell thread that recon was ALSO not effected by maximize and empower (the reason they justified nerfing heal in the first place), so they should not nerf heal. Instead, they decided to nerf recon, as well...why not? well...
Heal spell has several things going for it that reconstruct does not; mainly the fact that it removes most negative effects like poison, disease, stat damage, and also the existance of HEALING AMPLIFICATION. Also...empower heal feat, hello!??! No empower reconstruct feat.....
With 10%/20%/30% amp and 20% racial amp (or paladin PLs), heal is TWICE as effective as reconstruct. Throw in empower heal and the fleshie healing himself is hitting for THREE TIMES as why nerf reconstruct....??!!
This is a pointless nerf. Really. WIth MoTU player HP was going way up...why not let the healing spells scale up a bit as well?
Vicious, pointless, player-hating nerf that serves no balancing issues and hurts an already weak race. Good job turbine.
HOW does this even get you money? I don't see their angle here besides SP pot sales, and a few extra hp/reconstruct is nickels and dimes...give the players a freakin break, for once.
NO to half spellpower for reconstruct. NO to it way back then when they promised the nerf and NO to it now when they finally implemented it.
Fix something that IS broken.
Last edited by Sonos; 10-11-2012 at 11:55 AM.
Thank god, another WF nerf.
I saw a WF on Khyber the other day and was horrified that Turbine hasn't nerfed them hard enough to make sure NO ONE plays them.
Finally, they can be even less desirable than even elves now.
While you are nerfing Reconstruct, why not go the extra mile and nerf Construct Essence as well, because now that sub-optimal (but still somwhat handy) feat has been raised to the usefulness of skill focus - heal.
Yet another pointless nerf that effects one race (and nich builds), and punishes players for absolutly no good reason.
Pre nerfs, a fleshie Arti with "Construct Essence" took 25% less healing from a cure, and 50% less healing from a recon.
Now after the nerfs that same character gets even less. 50% less from the spell power nerfing of heal like every one else then chop it again by 25%. So what, they get only 37.5% of what the heal spell was?
Reconstruct now gets hit with the same nerf. 50% less spell power, and again 50% less of that again. So now they get 25% of the original base reconstruct. They never got the "haste boost" from it.
So.. Eladrin, Buddy.... Just what is the design intent going to be now?
Last edited by Missing_Minds; 10-11-2012 at 12:46 PM.
I dont c much changing unless you were already swapping to a repair stick to heal urself. or leaving the master artiface ring on all the time
1) scrolls will hit you for the same before and after. SPELL POWER is changing, has nothing to do with how much a scroll hits for
2) comparing a repair +120 stick to most universal spell power items ~70, accounts for a large %
you'll notice a big nerf if you were already swapping to a repair stick before hitting recon. you'll notice zero change if you mostly relied on scrolls to repair urself. and you'll only see a minor nerf if you were being lazy and relying on universal spell power to cover your repairing needs
Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]
You were there along with what's turned out to be the usual suspects arguing against the idea as was I. Sadly, this is still going through.
It looks to me like the actual intent is to remove one of the pedestals that wf casters have to stand upon, in effect bringing them closer to glass cannon status. While I played Half as a wf sorc, I had no fear of standing within cleaves and high damage zones knowing I could recon when low on hp. This adjustment will make the possibility of dying an actual concern.
Just like heal, there will be ways to boost it's effectiveness at the highest levels in the game. Mid levels are thrown under the bus. Unlike heal, stat damage and status effects will remain unaffected by recon.
I suppose I should be glad they didn't turn the recon spell into something that only works on others I guess.![]()
Khyber: Evandus, Halfdeadd, Licoricewhip, Sawyn, Elkabongg, Brothanumsi, Soulbro, Cromix.
And an army of gimp experiments!
Reconstruct has la narrower scope than heal and is not able to be boosted by feats or amplification. Why does it
need to be nerf'ed? Moving from USP (assume 68) to a specialist stick (say 120) nets you +52 spellpower or about
39 extra HP of healing. Still think it's worth it?
Currently 123 spellpower gets you 334 points of healing. This drops to 242.