I totally agree.
Unfortunately we do have a huge amount of players who can't break the "other MMO" mentality.
We have always had them, but they seemed to multiply exponentially when DDO went FtP.
Actually, my biggest complaint about DDO (other than the players ) is the "lack" of an end game.
In this case, I mean stuff for lvl 20+s to do.
I'm here to quest. to be inside dungeons. with fun people.
I do not mind doing many quests over again, but I need variety.
I refuse to grind. I refuse to repeat the same thing three+ times in a row. (possible exception if I really, really enjoy the group)
and my lvl 20 has no business doing Faithful Departed...... By that I mean I need lvl appropriate quests to do.
But the other things is DDO is NOT that difficult!
Another bring-over from other MMOs is for some reason people think difficult DDO content needs some special group to complete.
Uhmm... no.
I admit that it might need experienced players at times. But more often it just needs players that aren't stupid and won't give up so easily.
a few raids might... maybe... need a leader that has a plan.
Thigs might be easier.... with some decent DPS.
People might stay alive better with a certain amount of gear/HP/healing....
or more likely CC...
But I have yet to see any content in this game that I actually consider all that difficult to complete.
Yes, things hit hard, have a lot of HP....good saves... etc.
Weaker group smay use more resources to complete.... (actually my measuring stick for a groups readiness for hard content is the amount of resources they bring with them....like healing and SP pots.... mostly healing....)
Well, anyway.... I think they need to give their WOW-meters to Jeets when they get here.