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  1. #1
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    Default Cannith Improvement Project

    I've been thinking about all of the doom threads and all of the there are no end game threads and the server is dying fix it fix it fix it threads and settled on an idea.

    Kind of an idea that I just do naturally, but I figured I'd share it.

    One way to improve the player base is to make sure they have the resources to be able to run more and better quests.

    If you find a decent weapon/suit of armor/trinket/etc. that you don't need then either A. Throw it on the AH for about <50% base price buyout, or B. Throw it to a Pawn Broker that is easily known/accessible by newer players.

    The advent of Cannith Crafting cut into the "reseller" market quite a bit and most people simply think about #1 and forget the struggle to get their first character properly equipped back in the day.

    This can basically cover all levels. Find a +3 race required weapon or armor? Chances are there is a level 2 new player that can make use of that if made available cheap enough to where they can buy it based on their probable income.

    The benefit of this? While you get less cash and less ingredients. The theory is a better equipped average player on Cannith will advance faster. More conveniently available lower level equipment will encourage newer players to stick around.

    I am sure that there are people that will naturally take advantage of the situation. I'm sure several of the cheap yet good random items I've thrown on AH or simply given to other characters have been deconstructed or simply sold by people looking for a bargain or to resell at a higher price because they see the value as higher than what I auctioned it for. The hope is that enough items make it through to newer players to where we build a new generation.

    Just a thought and a way I attempt to silently (barring this post of course) contribute to the community.

    Also be sure to applaud/encourage those that give learner runs etc. as they help get newer players familiar with quests.

    One thing to keep in mind when attempting to teach people. Most people learn better by doing themselves. Also some people may not see the wisdom behind advice/tactics until they encounter the problems that arise when not not following that advice.

    If you think of other ways of improving your server then feel free to simply do them or post them.
    Last edited by GoRinNoSho; 10-09-2012 at 08:24 AM.

  2. #2
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    Nice idea in theory, but there is a lot more wrong with Cannith than a few cheap ah postings can fix.

    boo-tai jung-tzahng-duh
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  3. #3
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    I am really not sure how much your Auction House idea would work. I already put decent items on there for low prices and many do not sell. I have heard the same from others as well.

    I do think it would be great if there were some kind of learning runs on Cannith. I have seen them organized for other servers on the forums and thought if Cannith had it I would would definitely take advantage of it.

    I have two high level toons and have yet to run many raids or epics. I didn't own the packs and when got them was over level. I am in a small guild with casual but good players that are in the same boat as me, it would help us all if we could go on something like this.

  4. #4
    Community Member Kennyburns's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zipwire View Post
    I do think it would be great if there were some kind of learning runs on Cannith. I have seen them organized for other servers on the forums and thought if Cannith had it I would would definitely take advantage of it.
    I had done the learning run epic elites anyone is welcome for about a month, just stopped ~ a week ago cus I TRed but that wasn't a huge win in terms of involvement, participation, and returning players
    Officer Of Templar - Now Recruiting
    KennyBurns - Electric Savant DPS~ KennyFails The Completionist - Rogue Stick Life 15/15 Completionist ~ KennyHeals - Fvs Healer~ KennyRanges - TWF Manyshoot Of Cannith

  5. #5
    Community Member nomaddog's Avatar
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    In response to the OP regarding giving back to the community, the High Rollers hold a Festivult Giveaway each year. We'll be doing it again this year and urge others to join in the festivities as well. We all remember what it was like when we first started playing and had absolutely no clue what we were doing. Masterwork arrows and Ember Shortbow?!?! Uberz!!!

    The difficulty with the Giveaway is that it's quite a bit for a few people to manage. The last 2 years we've had a tremendous amount of donations. It can be quite overwhelming. If people are interested in hosting their own part of the giveaway, we'd be more than happy to explain how we've done it in the past. Looking forward to another great year.
    Livestream at

    High Rollers Alts: Brighton, Compleat, Aggrotech
    +5 to Sexterity Alts: Ruffintumble, Soulmistress, Spellmann

  6. #6
    Community Member nicnivyn's Avatar
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    Thank you OP for your suggestion. Every small thing we do to make our server a better place to play is a step in the right direction, and every small step in the right direction is more positive and beneficial than pages of DOOM.

    Goddess! You know it baybee.

    Nissha - Chanteuse - Zealotry - Zealot - Zeal
    Leader, High Rollers (Cannith)

  7. #7
    Community Member barberous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nicnivyn View Post
    Thank you OP for your suggestion. Every small thing we do to make our server a better place to play is a step in the right direction, and every small step in the right direction is more positive and beneficial than pages of DOOM.

    I agree also, Nomaddog for the givaway idea, i shall talk to our guild about it.
    love life - love the game

  8. #8
    Community Member barberous's Avatar
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    you see I have been on for two years and am still learning, and i also have not worked up enough guts to take on a raid!!
    love life - love the game

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kennyburns View Post
    I had done the learning run epic elites anyone is welcome for about a month, just stopped ~ a week ago cus I TRed but that wasn't a huge win in terms of involvement, participation, and returning players
    I am sorry I couldn't participate in them Kenny, somehow I missed seeing when you were running them. It's great to hear that they do go on.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pape_27 View Post
    Nice idea in theory, but there is a lot more wrong with Cannith than a few cheap ah postings can fix.
    Yes. It is a theory. However, it is movement in a direction. If you do not move in some direction then you will always be in the same spot.

    Plus, if more people do more things to help the population then that will have a larger effect than just the actions of 1 person.

    As seen by other posters there are a fair number of people trying to help.

    For my case, giving access to decent items I don't need is a quick and easy way to help out.

    Thinking back a couple of years ago I remember a lot of posts saying people tried and stuck with Cannith because the server population was helpful and in general things tended to be cheaper on the AH.

    I don't see those posts and remarks anymore.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kennyburns View Post
    I had done the learning run epic elites anyone is welcome for about a month, just stopped ~ a week ago cus I TRed but that wasn't a huge win in terms of involvement, participation, and returning players
    I think in general there may be an unwritten expectation that characters have multiple past lives and maxed destinies before participating in ee. So that and the general perception/understand that eh to ee is much more of a gap than en to eh.

    So part of the issue may be dispelling the idea that ee is too hard. It may take a while since some people take a while to get adventurous enough to run raids etc. since there are a lot more people depending on you in raids.

    Need to go before server shuts down.

    Thanks for the ee familiarization runs.

  12. #12
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    Run a quest with someone who seems to lack in gear, knowledge and/or playing skill? Give them a piece of gear you have and don't need, teach them something and/or suggest a different tactic.

    Does not really take more than that. It is more difficult than ridicule or being angry, but it would improve the server more than cheap stuff on AH.

  13. #13
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    Yep, agree on that. There are times where I do. When running a quest, if the char I'm running with has a decent item I don't need I will offer it up free. I have done so on many occasions. Additionally, I offer advice/tactics periodically as my opinion since people tend to think/act/work/learn differently.

    During the time where I don't have the space or don't meet the level requirements then AH it is. Not going to run lvl 20+ characters with lower level chars to parcel out items and dock experience for them. That is the area where the AH vehicle is useful.

    The main point of this is to try to get people thinking/doing positive things big or small by sharing an easy to do, small time investment thing I do.

    There are other ways to do positive things as denoted by other posters on this thread.

  14. #14
    Community Member Kennyburns's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoRinNoSho View Post
    I think in general there may be an unwritten expectation that characters have multiple past lives and maxed destinies before participating in ee. So that and the general perception/understand that eh to ee is much more of a gap than en to eh.

    So part of the issue may be dispelling the idea that ee is too hard. It may take a while since some people take a while to get adventurous enough to run raids etc. since there are a lot more people depending on you in raids.

    Need to go before server shuts down.

    Thanks for the ee familiarization runs.
    I wrote on my lfms usually anyone welcome, first timers welcomed, if someone needed an explanation then i gave one, i joined a pug normal web got them to run hard and i was the only one who had ever run hard b4 in the group and i lead them pretty fine explaining raid as we went, minimal deaths/mess up
    Officer Of Templar - Now Recruiting
    KennyBurns - Electric Savant DPS~ KennyFails The Completionist - Rogue Stick Life 15/15 Completionist ~ KennyHeals - Fvs Healer~ KennyRanges - TWF Manyshoot Of Cannith

  15. #15
    Community Member barberous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiipeJii View Post
    Run a quest with someone who seems to lack in gear, knowledge and/or playing skill? Give them a piece of gear you have and don't need, teach them something and/or suggest a different tactic.

    Does not really take more than that. It is more difficult than ridicule or being angry, but it would improve the server more than cheap stuff on AH.
    If nothing else,this thread has made me want to stay playing. In the last couple of months i have been welcome into a (for want of a better word) 'learner" Guild.
    Then to read the stuff you are expousing in this thread fills me with, the renewed energy to go on SMASHING BAD GUYS, AND LEARNING.
    Last edited by barberous; 10-11-2012 at 01:51 AM.
    love life - love the game

  16. #16
    Community Member NovaNZ's Avatar
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    For what it is worth.

    I am increasingly getting involved with EE pugs/ EH raids etc. Sometimes I do ok, sometimes I would like to have performed (sorry - bard pun) better.

    Thing is I am really encouraged by the overall attitude of the more experienced players(and their better made/geared/TR'ed alts) towards me responding to their pug lfm's and even guild runs on occasion.

    Tx to all who have tolerated, fought with, shared loot with, and rezzed Zongen.

    Seriously - my biggest barrier to really digging current end game stuff is my own fear of the unknown.
    Quote Originally Posted by DawnofEntropy View Post
    Who wouldn't want to see Flizik the dwarf jamming to 'Devil went down to georgia' and smoking a pipe ...

  17. #17
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    I enjoy fostering the community in my own small ways.

    When I can, I give away loot on Korthos and in the Harbor to unguilded lowbies who seem like they could use it. Usually in a party, but sometimes just passing em on the street. I don't think I've kept a Muckbane in years - and haven't sold one in longer then that.

    I honestly thing that helping new characters along is one of the things that not only makes for a stronger server - but a stronger game. A little bit of gear and a modicum of advice goes a really long way. I love it when I see a character I helped get through their first Water Works or STK run posting up their own LFMs a short time later.

    If anyone ever helped you, in any small way, pay it forward. Not only are you helping somebody else - it feels pretty **** good.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zipwire View Post
    I have two high level toons and have yet to run many raids or epics. I didn't own the packs and when got them was over level. I am in a small guild with casual but good players that are in the same boat as me, it would help us all if we could go on something like this.
    If i have the pack i could join you.

    Pyreal af Templar

  19. #19
    Community Member barberous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    I enjoy fostering the community in my own small ways.
    If anyone ever helped you, in any small way, pay it forward. Not only are you helping somebody else - it feels pretty **** good.
    way to go !!!!
    love life - love the game

  20. #20
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kennyburns View Post
    I had done the learning run epic elites anyone is welcome for about a month, just stopped ~ a week ago cus I TRed but that wasn't a huge win in terms of involvement, participation, and returning players

    The problem is that most players dont read these forums. Out of 40 people in my guild only one other person actually reads these forums.

    Try posting "Training Run" in your LFM. Somehow we need to get the word out to the general population.
    Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.

    Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.

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